Take a Risk for God

Monday, October 18, 2010
Hi everyone!

As I was going through my daily readings,  I was very much inspired by this devotional found in Rejoice Marriage Ministries, Inc. I can relate to what the writer is going through and the things said to him by well-meaning people. I'm re-posting it especially for all those "standers" out there fighting for their marriages through prayer. This was from Ben of Texas.

"Haven't you read," he replied, "that at the beginning the Creator 'made them male and female,' and said, 'For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh'? So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate." Matthew 19:4-6
Each of us are in a unique position. We see our marriages crumbling right before our eyes and our family units splitting up in such ungodly ways. Our situation, while unique to us, is commonplace today, a fact of life. Families and marriages are breaking up so frequently that it is hard to find a family that has not been touched by divorce. In the tidal wave that follows broken marriages, there are shattered lives and broken promises (broken covenant). Who is at fault? Whom are we to blame? Look in the mirror. The truth hurts but it must be reckoned with. Acknowledge your sin and your part in the breakdown of your marriage. Seek God's counsel, love, and grace and you are starting on the road toward marriage reconciliation. Stand for your marriage. Take a risk for God.

Standing (with God) for one's marriage is a difficult road to walk. Family, friends, your associates at work, the world and even your own church leaders don't understand this walk. It can be lonely if we don't take Jesus with us. Yet for the few of us who have been called by God to walk with Him in this stand, it is a blessing. Yes, a blessing, for each of us have been hand picked by our Creator to suffer for Him as we witness to the world about the truth and the value of the marriage covenant. I am fortunate to belong to a marriage reconciliation support group through my church. Such groups are few and far between.

Only yesterday, I drove by a large "modern-looking" church that had a big sign out front stating "Divorce Care" yet nothing about marriage care. In the support group I attend, we acknowledge that each of us are not there by accident but by Divine Appointment. Take a risk for God. Stand for your marriage.

I cannot even begin to count the number of times well-meaning people have suggested that I "should get on (move on) with my life." Sound familiar? In response, I proudly state that I am moving on with my life by standing with God as He heals my marriage. At times, this takes people back; they are lost for words. You see, I am taking a risk for God.

When we witness to the world (including our church leaders and fellow Christians) about the sanctity of marriage and our covenant marriage vows, we are taking a risk for God. God recognizes that life at times is difficult, yet perseverance in our walk brings great rewards. It was through the turmoil of the breakdown of my marriage that I found my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Frequently I tell people that I am thankful that God led me down this path of the breakdown of my marriage and the subsequent divorce for now I know where I am going to spend Eternity. I took a risk for God.

Yes, I am standing with God as He heals me and yes, heals my wife. My marriage failed because God was placed on a side track; He was not on the main track of my marriage. But even here, God must be the engine that pulls the Christian family along the track of life. God is in control of the universe and He wants to be in control of your life and mine. Take a risk for God.

Notice that I said take a risk "for" God, not "with" God. While God is with you as you stand, when you take a risk "for" God, you are in the front row of the battle against Satan.


Slamdunk said...

Thanks for sharing this personal and inspiring message. My prayers are with you there Pia.

Denise said...

Praying for you, and the retoration of your marriage. I love you.

Mommy Liz said...

There are times that divorce cannot be avoided if the reason is behavioral change and deceit. I am so glad that being married with my husband for 6 years and being together 8 we were able to adjust to each other's individuality. Living with someone under one roof is not easy, but with compromise and understanding, it will work.

http://rodliz.info this is my marriage blog and I hope that you can take a look at it sometimes.

Thank you for your generous donation for my aunt. You're such a wonderful person. God Bless you Pia!

Mel Avila Alarilla said...

Yes, this is indeed an inspired post about the sanctity and permanence of marriage as against the prevailing divorce craze nowadays. Thanks for the post. God bless you always.

MrsMartinez | xoxoMrsMartinez.com said...

I am speechless... I am praying for you and your marriage.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Pia, I've been deleting my long comments throughout blogland. :) Sometimes it's best to simply say, I am praying.

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