How Has Your Year Been?

Saturday, December 29, 2012
In two days 2012 will be gone.  How time flies.  

Today I asked myself this question - How has 2012 been to me?  There are definitely so many challenges that happened this year, but I've also received so many blessings and miracles.  

Dad left this imperfect world to be with Jesus last April... I got sick two months ago, but I'm recovering pretty well. I received miracles after miracles of healing and divine provision... I deleted "friends" from my life who are toxic; turned out to be a blessing in disguise... This is also the year when I became debt free.

I didn't see the beauty in these seemingly tragic events while it was happening, but now I do.  

God is good.  

Although 2012 is marked with tears and sadness, it is also marked with joy and happiness. God sure knows how to balance things. 

So, how has your year been?

Here's looking forward to a year of abounding blessings, grace and favor as we welcome 2013 with great expectancy and hope.  


Denise said...

God has blessed my year, truly appreciate Him.

Rachel said...

it was a very challenging year on one hand. on the other hand, it was also a year that showed me that God is always there for us, that He will never leave us.

i've learned to truly appreciate all the things that He sent my way. what others may think as small things, obvious things that should be taken for granted are no longer so in my eyes. i see them all as blessings from our Father, and i thank Him each and every chance i get.

i saw how fragile life can be, and i saw how He can change, heal, and uplift one's life.

i saw how easily our own plans can fall apart like a house of cards. then i saw how our plans will flourish and see the light of day if we align our plans with His plans for our lives.

i saw the power of prayer and faith. i saw His Hand move in the lives of the people around me and, of course, in mine. i saw prayers answered one after the other. we've often heard the sentence "not according to our will, but to His." if what we are praying for is in His plans for us, He will grant it. it may not be immediate, but, rest assured, that His timing is perfect and that He usually exceeds our expectations.

how was my year? it was a very good year, and i thank God for all the things He blessed me with, this year and in the coming years. God is good indeed. He's simply awesome! =)

Slamdunk said...

You certainly had a challenging 2012 Pia, and your giving glory to God is inspiring.

Lots of challenges here in 2012--professionally especially, things worked out unexpectedly well.

Happy New Year to you Pia.

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