Just Letting Off Steam...

Tuesday, December 6, 2011
What is courtesy?

Dictionary.com defines courtesy as excellence of manners or social conduct; polite behavior.  I like Merriam-Webster dictionary's definition. It says "behavior marked by polished manners or respect for others".  Wow... polished manners... respect for others...

In this modern world where short cuts are prevalent and technology is upgrading faster than my hair is growing, I strongly believe that basic manners do not go out of style.  

Since I am in sales, I encounter people of all sorts.  Some are very professional even without having a diploma to brag about,  and yet, they possess such an admirable trait. For others, I wonder if, because of their very high level of educational attainment, courtesy got bumped off their systems.  If these people are barbaric, uncivilized or primitive in nature, I would understand if they don't know how to spell the word COURTESY, let alone practice it. Wouldn't you? But professionals in their respective fields... and Christians?  Seriously???

I know this is not a usual theme here in my blog, but will you just allow me to let off steam today?  I am just so irked at people who I know claim to be followers of Jesus, raise their hands during praise and worship at church, but do not possess an inkling of courtesy in their bodies.  

Here's my point.  Nobody's perfect.  We all know that. But PLEASE have the decency to practice courtesy.  If you need to cancel meetings, if you couldn't make it on time, the list goes on... Call... Text...  You see, MY TIME is also IMPORTANT.  If you can not send one single text message or make a single call from that hi-tech phone of yours, I suggest that you might as well dump that useless thing. Or better yet, ask yourself this --- Would you act the same way, with the lack or absence of courtesy, when you are to have a meeting with Jesus?

Think about it!


Jocelyn said...

Sadly I know exactly what you're talking about... it's frustrating and yet it's a part of life that we just have to deal with. I wish everyone had a manual of some sort on courtesy - so no one's time would be wasted!

Denise said...

Amen, thanks for sharing your feelings.

Ms. Kathleen said...

Manners are highly underrated. This is a great reminder. I told my daughter when she had my granddaughter that I expect manners in my house, just like they grew up with... She's doing a great job.

Merry Christmas!

Pia said...

it's really frustrating. sometimes i don't understand how they do it. manners at this time and age is really under rated. that's so sad, isn't it? those are basic things you learn at home.

Amrita said...

courtesy and politeness is in short supply these days. that 's true. people are in a hurry and stamp on each other. everyone wants to assert themselves not caring for the next persons. sign of the last days.

Anonymous said...

nice post friend...thank you for sharing...wish i could visit everyone more frecuently but are many..and the hours are different but prayers and blessings on your way..lets remember the real reason for the holidays..days of peace love and thinking...loves from our home to yours...maranatha..

MrsMartinez | xoxoMrsMartinez.com said...

Sometimes people are so reoccuied of things that they neglect people who are most close to them.
Kepp your spirit up!

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