Random Thoughts

Wednesday, May 1, 2013
I totally lost track of time.  I completely forgot that it's May 1 today.  It's a holiday.

I asked my helper to prepare me lunch which I'd be bringing to the office. I called my health card provider and was wondering why nobody's answering the phone.  I was thinking , it's 8:30 in the morning, they're suppose to be in by now.  I called my client's office.  I went on looking for my client and the operator said, "I'm sorry, our employees do not have work today."  I said, "What?  How come? Is today a holiday?"  "Yes, ma'am, it is." I still didn't get it. I asked, "Huh? What date is today?"  The operator said, "Ma'am, it's May 1."


Duh!  What was I thinking?

Anyway,  since I've nothing to do today, I gave my cat a bath.  She loved it. She used to hate baths, but now she loves it. I'm sure it's the weather.

I've a light bulb moment too. I was led to this realization because of what happened to one of my friends this morning.

When somebody goes away or disappears from your life, it's for a reason. It's for your own good. Cry if you want to, be depressed for a season, but get up and get over it.

Now I can see things from a different angle.  This is so liberating.

Let go and let God!


Denise said...

Amen. Let go, and let God. I love you.

Anonymous said...

Hi Pia...this is so true about letting go and letting God! I needed this reminder! Thanks~ ♥♥♥

Never Forsaken said...

Hi Pia,

I have done that too (forgetting a holiday)...sometimes the time just gets away from me.
Let go and let God...I need to remember this.
~Blessings and love~ Lisa

momto8 said...

let go and let God is a motto I TRY an live by....
Last month I went through the whole day thinking it was Tuesday and it was Wednesday!

Bluebirdy said...

YAHOO!! Praising and thanking the Lord with you, and thanking Him for guiding you to know exactly the right things to eat. Diet doesn't cause all with lupus to go into remission, so I give God most of the credit for this. You are blessed to have the strength to create healthy meals. That's just awesome that you can get a litre of green smoothie. That took all my strength to prepare the fruit and veggies for green health drink. He is helping you. So glad also that you also have a helper to help you, and that you are able to go back to work! Bless you Pia! May is Lupus awareness month and tomorrow (May 10th)is World Lupus Day, where people will wear purple for lupus awareness. It's also fibromyalgia month. Sunday is Mother's day in N. America and also Fibromyalgia day. Also a purple day. I am so relieved that you are doing so much better!!
Blessings, Sheila Wall

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