God is NOT Our Co-Pilot

Monday, February 21, 2011

How's your stand so far?  Do you feel weak?  Let me tell you that what you're feeling is normal.  As long as we are in this flesh, feeling weak is as normal as breathing.  We are not in any way super humans that we will no longer feel weakness at all, especially in our stand.  But we have to continue holding on to God's promises knowing that He is not like a man that He should lie.  What He promises will come to pass for sure.  Heaven and Earth will pass away but His Word will never pass away.  His Word, His promise is as certain as breathing is to us while we are still alive. What we chose to do, as standers, is not usual to a lot of people.  This makes it even harder. But what God tells us to do, He will give us the grace to obey.

Here's another devotion written by David, a fellow stander from North Carolina.  I hope this encourages you as you continue to stand for your marriage.


I'm guessing that we've all seen the bumper sticker that says God is my co-pilot. It may seem kind of catchy, but the fact of the matter is that God needs to be the pilot of our lives. We need to realize that the only way our lives, our pursuit of marriage restoration, and our desire to fulfill all His plans for our lives will come about if God is in charge. We cannot call Jesus Savior, but not Lord. As the saying goes, either He is Lord of all, or He is not Lord at all!
"'For my thought are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,' declares the LORD." Isaiah 55:8
I know it is scary to release control, as this has been my biggest struggle during this journey, but we can take comfort in God's Word. In the Bible we see many instances of where people surely did not understand at the time why God worked the way He did, but we also get to see how the story finished. Our struggle is with the fact that we are still in the midst of our story, but God's Word tells us that we can trust whatever it is that He wants to do because:
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28
Just think of some of the examples of Gods amazing work in situations that made no sense at the time. Think of Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt in Exodus, Chapter 14. The LORD purposefully lead the Israelites to where they were seemingly trapped, with the Red Sea before them and the Egyptians closing in on them. The Israelites questioned God ability to be in control, but God knew exactly what He was planning.
"And when the Israelites saw the great power the LORD displayed against the Egyptians, the people feared the LORD and put their trust in him and in Moses his servant." Exodus 14:31
Think of Joseph (see Genesis 37-50). He was sold into slavery, falsely imprisoned, did not see his family for years, and yet we see how God used it in a way we never would have guessed to save his family. Joseph himself declared,
"You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives." Genesis 50:20
Think of Lazarus, whom Jesus raised from the dead (John 11). When Jesus heard that Lazarus was sick, Jesus purposefully waited two more days until Lazarus died. Many of you have sick or dead marriages and can identify with Mary (and Martha) who could not help questioning Jesus:
"Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died." John 11:32
Like Mary, I've been guilty of crying out, "O Lord, if You would have done something earlier, my marriage would not have died!" But remember, God's ways are not our ways. In this instance, Jesus needed a death because He planned a resurrection. (And yes, Jesus does weep with us in our pain, even knowing what He has planned, just as He wept for Lazarus.)

And of course, our Lord and Savior Jesus went to the cross, suffering and dying for our sins. In doing so, His disciples (those who knew Him best) did not understand at the time because they were humans, but this was done so that we might have new life in Him.

So, we need to praise our Lord in all things, because what does not make sense now is being orchestrated or allowed by God because He sees what He is doing in all this. Please don't take this to mean we should just sit by passively, because God will do all the work. Yes, He does all the work and does not need our help, but part of what He wills for us (and what pleases Him) is that we join with Him and pray as Jesus taught us to-- boldly, fervently, unceasingly--because this develops our faith and usefulness for His purposes.

No, God's ways are not like my ways, but my ways have led to a mess, so I say let's surrender to His ways for the deliverance of our prodigal spouses, the healing of our sick or dead marriages, and the direction of our lives every day.
"He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake". Psalm 23:3
"Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are god my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long." Psalm 25:4-5


Shelley L. MacKenzie said...

I saw a post elsewhere on this topic quite recently, I think. Great post.

Shelley L. MacKenzie said...

Thanks for your comment on my blog (I have a new post up since your commnet). You mentioned you'd like to be able to knit, well it's not too difficult. There are lots of books available that can help, lots of knitting magazines have a few pages in the back that show how to do basic stitches, and you can find tons of tutorial videos on how to knit on YouTube! I do hope you try knitting, it's fun and can be very relaxing!

Kitty said...

I'm feeling particularly week and fragile right now.

Mel Avila Alarilla said...

Yes, I completely agree with the article. God must be in total control of our lives. We must surrender the pilot's seat of our lives to Him and gladly obey His words as an obedient and trusting co-pilot of our lives. Jesus leads, we follow. Thanks for the post. God bless you always.

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