What About Man's Free Will?

Friday, February 27, 2009
Okay, here's an issue. I would really appreciate it if you could share your thoughts on this.

"We have our own free will. If that is so, can or can't God over rule the will of men?


Don't forget to join my giveaway. You still have two more days to enter. I'll randomly choose the winner on March 2, 12 noon (Philippine time). ☺


Amrita said...

Good question

No God will not over-rule man 's free will. We are created in HIS IMAGE with a free will He will not changeus into machines.

Mel Avila Alarilla said...

God will never overrule the will of man. God will do everything He can to warn us of the dire consequences of our errant actions but He will never ever stop us from doing what we want to do. But He is ever so merciful and gracious. He will always give us the chance to return to Him after we committed grievous errors in our lives. Thanks for the provocative question. God bless you always.

peppylady (Dora) said...

God rules all of us. But I believe in a loving God who is fair.
It doesn't matter our sex.

Coffee is on.

Curious Servant said...

Hi Sis! I haven't been here in a while and I see you've fixed things up real nice.

Great question, one we all keep coming back to...

Since you asked for thoughts, I'll share mine.

Keep in mind... being mortal I think using an organic brain, and I gather all my information through a filter of five senses...

The universe has no future.

Time does not move at all.

The Lord God created the universe, complete... but like fractal geometry, the closer one looks, the more detail one sees... and the tiny details of this universe, are patterns of choices humans make, made, will make.

They are free to make whatever choices they please, and the pattern of their lives maybe independent in their details, but the overall effect is of the grand pattern the Lord God made when He created the universe.

So... I think...

It is all true.

We are all free to choose, and to act freely in whatever fashion we wish...

But the story of the universe is not only being told... it has been told...

That story has been told by The living Word...

Lori said...

I don't think he would over rule our free well. that is why we have free well.

Anonymous said...

Ei Jericho Here. hehe

Hmmm.. Free will? Don't you think it's God's will?

this is another issue. sorry. hehe

well for me God can't rule over our own free will

the reason why. because God gave us

wisdom from the very start.

is it our will to follow God or not.?

when you accept Christ all your will

becomes God's will cause you submitted to God.

God works on you because of your will to

follow God. its a matter of choice.

But it all ends up to God.

Cause he's the Alpha and the Omega.

God Bless Pia. ^^V

I'll pray for you always.

You seem sad.. Cheer Up! ^^V

Pia said...

thank you for sharing your thoughts. maybe over-rule is a strong word. but here are my thoughts on this.

i held on and still is holding on to this verse in proverbs 19:21 "Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the LORD's purpose that prevails." we can always plan and choose the path we want but in the end what God intended to happen will still be the one that prevails.

jonah fled toward tarshish to escape God's plan. the prophet mistakenly thought that ignoring a divine command would cause the Lord to withdraw it. instead, He repeatedly and dramatically intervened in jonah's life until
the man submitted.

here's a question posted by one stander that has to do with man's free will.

"Everyone reminds me about my husband's free will. How does this enter in?"

Answer: We want to share the reply that Carole, one of our volunteers provided to a fellow stander:

When things become fast and furious at the Rejoice Ministries office, I help by answering e-mails. I am a stander. I have been standing for about a year and a half. I was married for 25 years before my husband left me for another woman. You write in your e-mail that "your husband doesn't love you anymore and doesn't want to." The destroyer who speaks through your husband on these occasions is the one who doesn't love you and who never will. As a matter of fact, if you allow him to, he won't stop with your husband but will sweep through the whole family. My husband is my "one-flesh" mate, even though he is living in adultery with another woman. I don't think God looks upon it as my privilege to pray for him, but rather my responsibility. You say that praying all those prayers and reading all those scriptures does nothing to change his will. This is not true. Charlyne can testify to the fact that prayer and the Word can change someone. I have a friend with whom I correspond who stood for her marriage after her husband coldly and formally announced to her that he didn't love her anymore and never would again. Today my friend enjoys the FRUITS of a God-centered, God-healed marriage that is a blessing to all around her. Her husband has said many times to her, "Thank you, thank you for standing for me." He is now a born-again to the bone Christian whereas before he was a so-so one.
It happens. God is no respecter of persons. What he has done for Charlyne and my friend, he will do for you and me...but it takes faith. The kind of faith that looks at the circumstances and says, "So what, what does it matter what he says or thinks." Your husband has been taken captive by Satan to do his will. You have the choice of believing what comes out of your husband's mouth or what the Word of God says. My God tells me that with Him NOTHING is impossible (doesn't make any exceptions there about your hubby's 'will'). Let that piece of Scripture sink into the marrow of your bones. "With God ALL, ALL, ALL things are possible." He tells us to ask whatsoever we will, believing, and it shall be done for us. Do you notice any clauses in your Bible that prohibit God from acting? I don't. He tells us in Isaiah--"I work and who can hinder it?" Your husband? My husband? I think not.

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