New Year, New Hope

Monday, January 1, 2007
I spent Christmas and the new year's eve at my sister's house. You might be wondering why. Well, the bad news is Jec's stay in the states was extended. It was a last minute decision he made and of course, who wouldn't be mad? I was pissed, frustrated, hurt, stressed out... you name it. At first, I couldn't really understand why. Sure, his reasons made sense but I couldn't accept it. I just couldn't! After a while, after a long talk with my sis, who, may I say, was worried sick about me during that time, I began to understand and accept Jec's point. By the way, we had our friends, my bro and my SIL worried about us too. I wouldn't be writing down his reasons anymore for not coming home, but let me just assure you that they're valid. My sis told me that if for that alone, she commends him for it. Sorry for keeping some details private, I have my reasons too. It was definitely one of the most challenging times of our lives, but Jec will be coming home soon, that's for sure.

This year, 2007, I pray that it will be a blessed year for us. A year when all of our dreams and aspirations will finally come to pass. A new year... new hope. Here's wishing everyone a prosperous new year! Cheers! =)


Anonymous said...


i admire you so much for sharing yourself with us here. you're such a strong lady, stronger than you probably realize. i wish all of the best for you and your family in 2007, and i'm believing God for new and greater things this year, in all of our lives.


Anonymous said...

happy new year, sylvia! wishing you and your family all the best this 2007. God bless! =)

Anonymous said...

You know our prayers, hopes and dreams for you both. May God bless you in all of them this year according to His perfect will.

Anonymous said...

Pia, I pray that 2007 will be full all His many blessings. God bless and ((HUGS00 to you!

Anonymous said...

I am sorry that you and your hubby were apart for the holidays - I am sure that was hard - I pray God reunites you again soon and that this year is full of joy and blessings!

A New HOPE - love it!

Anonymous said...

All the blessings your heart can hold for 2007!

Anonymous said...

thank you for all your well wishes. my prayer really is that this year will be a joyous, prosperous and blessed year not just for me and jec but for all of us. God bless us all. =)

Anonymous said...

Pia, I can so relate to having these times in marriage...May God bless you both abundantly in this New year!

Anonymous said...

I can totally understand how stressful this time has been for you. Praying Jec will be reunited with you very soon, though. Hang in there! The Lord bless you mightily this New Year in Him. Love you and appreciate you, my friend.

Anonymous said...

Blessings Pia

I can only imagine how hard this was. Hubby and I have spent everyone of the last 18 Christmases together - and all of the New Years bar one. (Though I tend to go to bed too early - I hate fireworks you see!)

Blessings for the New Year and for you and hubby being reunited.

Sorry it's been so long since I popped over to your place. I've had my own share of traumas but hoping and expecting 2007 to be better.

love the new look :)

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Pia, my friend. May God bless you abundantly this year.

Anonymous said...

This is an opportunity for you and Jec to really grow in submission to each other and to the Lord.

We'll continue to pray for you both!

Anonymous said...

I pray too that it will be a blessed year for you. That you would see God's goodness in every corner of your life. That God would protect and bless your marriage. That He give you the desires of your heart.

Love n hugs my sis in Christ!

Anonymous said...

blogged hopped from Mimi's...

Happy New Year and hope you and your hubs are having a great start to 2007 despite his absence during the holidays.

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