One Hectic Day

Monday, July 10, 2006
Jec and I went to a mall in downtown area last Saturday to buy some stuff for the new business we're starting soon. It was one hectic day. Woke up at 6:30 a.m. and left the house at 7:30 a.m. to have my blood test. Then we went to the clinic to get a number for my late afternoon check up. Then we met up with my bestfriend so we can go buy the stuff we need. It took us the whole afternoon to buy everything on our list.

Jec went to the restroom on the other building while Jen and I waited on the other wing. I got a call from Jec a few minutes later and he told us to get all our stuff and leave the building as fast as we could. I was just about to ask why when he told me "just leave and meet me at the entrance!". I knew there was something wrong. Jen and I scurried out the building with three huge plastic bags full of stuff we bought. There were policemen everywhere and people were running off in different directions. The news didn't reach the people inside the mall yet, I figured. Some dingbat purposedly left a bomb somewhere outside the mall that caused people to panic. What was he/she thinking? Why would he/she want people to die? We didn't wait around anymore, we just went straight home, freshened up and went back to the clinic for my check up. We were so pooped from going around the metro the whole day. Well, we finished our errands and we're glad we did. Thank God we got home safe and sound.


Anonymous said...


It was probably a terrorist attack, that has been happening alot here in the United States. It is a scary world, bet you are glad you have Jesus...this is the last days, my friend. We are waiting for our Lord to return to get His Kids.

Love, Hugs, and Blessings,


Anonymous said...

That sounds frightening! You've been on my heart and mind A LOT and I love praying for you.

Anonymous said...

That was indeed a very narrow escape!
Praise God for His protection was upon you, Jec and Jen :)

Anonymous said...

barbara: i thought so too. crazy people.

andrea: aww, that's so sweet. thank you, sis. :)

audrey: God was protecting us. if that thing blew up and we were all inside the mall, i might not be typing here anymore... thank God we got home safe.

Anonymous said...

WHOA! That sounds scarey! I'm glad your safe and sound now. Don't know what I would of done without my friend that keeps my sanity! ;-) You are a blessing to many, Pia! I truely feel that God's hands are working in your life. Take care!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you are safe and sound. That is scary...and the shopping trip sounds like fun up untill then.

Anonymous said...

It sounds like it was a nightmarish shopping trip.

You shall remain in my prayers.

God bless!

Anonymous said...

we had a bomb in my high school one year. it was an actual bomb inside the boys bathroom. the entire school was evacuated... we had to stand in the pouring rain though for over 2 hours *it was cold 2* ... to wait for buses to take all the kids home. Was really strange....

This happened shortly after the colmbine school stuff.

Anonymous said...

OMGosh! a bomb! Thank the Lord for keeping you safe! Hope your check ups are going ok and your health is improving..

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, I am so glad you guys are ok! I don't understand why some people do that.

Glad you made it home safe!

Anonymous said...

What a scarey situation!! I am so glad you are alright!! Was there any news afterwards? The bomb didn't go off or anything I hope. Do they know who was responsible for it?

Anonymous said...

wyld: good thing jec didn't tell me what's going on over the phone or i might caused a riot inside the mall for blurting out the "BOMB" word. hehe... you're so sweet. thank you, J.

maggie ann: yeah, i just remembered that i wasn't able to buy a big plastic container with wheels that i have been wanting to buy for so long because i need to put some of my stuff in it. =(

curm: you can say that... hehe... :)

drea: we had that too when i was still in school. the bomb blew off. good thing no students were around near that area, but it was so loud we heard it from the other side of our school campus.

cheryl: my check ups are doing good. my health is improving. thank God! :)

dawn: i can't believe there are people who would want to kill hundreds, for what? i can't figure them out. don't know what they're trying to prove.

shelley: they didn't find out who was responsible for it but as usual they're blaming it to this group of people branded as terrorists. it didn't go off. i'm not sure if they were able to stop it just in time or it was just one wild crack.

Anonymous said...

Were they able to defuse the bomb? I hope so! How scary/sad. I'm glad you are alright!

Anonymous said...

that's the thing. we don't know if they were able to defuse it or it was just one sick joke these people are playing. but if it was, somebody should tell it to their face that it's NOT funny!

Anonymous said...

Very true. Man, not at all funny!

Thank you for the sweet card! You made my day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

you're welcome, mimi. ;)

Anonymous said...

That sounds so scary Pia. I'm glad you are all right.

So what is this new business you are starting?

Anonymous said...

Oh, Pia! I'm glad you and Jec were kept safe. Thinking of you a lot today and sending hugs with prayers to the Father on your behalf.

love & blessings,

Anonymous said...

Take care dear :)

Anonymous said...

kitty: something to do with a spa. :)

vicki: (((HUGS))) and thanks a bunch! :)

nan: missed you too sis. :)

audrey: i will and God is too. :)

Anonymous said...

Whoa. So glad the Lord kept you all safe. Praise the Lord.

Anonymous said...

So your new business has something to do with a spa...hmmmmmm...interesting...

Could not stay away from your site too long, I needed to hear some more Pink Life---so I am back and feeling great, I think this sickness is leaving me for good. A friend sent me a link that you might be interested in listening to and the link is by Dr. Charles Stanley.



Anonymous said...

May our good Lord bless your new business venture with much success and growth :)

Anonymous said...

" A thousand may fall at your side, & ten thousands at right side, but it shall NOT approach you." Psalm 91:7

The promise of our great Living God!

May the Lord grant you great wisdom in your new business & bless you with His favours:-)

Anonymous said...

I am so glad to hear you are safe and sound. I pray God will bless your new business:-)
Does that mean Jec is staying??

Love ya.

God's Grace.

Anonymous said...

Hey..Just read your blog...I am thankful that you are safe!!! Love ya, Karen

Anonymous said...

Hello Pia, a sure sign that God was looking out for all of you.
Good luck with your new business.
Peace and blessings,

Anonymous said...

rulan: yeah, praise God! :)

barbara: i'm so glad you're being healed too. :)

audrey: thank you. :)

godwyn: thank you. :)

corry: thanks, mamu. uh, he's still leaving but we're hoping that things will be better this time. we're praying for it and every decision we're making. thanks for praying, mamu. :)

karen: luv yah too. :)

enid: He sure was and still is. blessings to you too girl. :)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

May He continue to direct your paths. Praise God you're safe. Love to you, Pia.

Hope your new business is successful.

Anonymous said...

Quite a scary experience!
Praise God for making you and your loved ones safe!

Anonymous said...

lorna: (((HUGS)))

sparrow: thank you. love to you too, dear sis. :)

flex j: thank God for protecting us. :)

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