"Moses answered the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the LORD will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still.” Exodus 14: 13-14It's still a challenge though, but I constantly remind myself that the God of the universe is on my side so everything is going to be okay. I ♥ God.

Anyway, I have a new smartphone which came three months early because my old phone died on me last Sunday. Good thing all my contacts were still intact and I was able to transfer them to my new phone. It's suppose to be my birthday gift to myself. Oh well, it's an advance birthday gift then. I ♥ my new phone. =)

On a different note, people here are going gaga over milk tea, myself included. I was first introduced to this four years ago and I instantly loved it. My fave is the Mine Shine brand which was only available at 7-11 stores. I'd usually buy a couple of bottles and stock them in my fridge. I was craving for milk tea since yesterday so I got myself a cup of pearl milk tea from Chatime this afternoon after our church service. Yummy! I ♥ milk tea.
Glad you are back home an d catching up with life and work. God bless.
Good to hear from you Pia, and I hope you continue to enjoy the cool smartphone.
Let's see if this works for me now...
What is milk tea? Is it just tea with a little milk in it?
hi amrita. God bless you too.
hi slamdunk. yup. i am enjoying it very much. i super heart it. =)
hey shells. yeah, technically it is. and you drink it cold.
happy honeymooning with your new toy Pia. download apps in the Android Market, but make sure you read reviews first. also, you might want to bring car and portable charger. huge screen means increased voltage dissipation.
I was just at ChaTime awhile ago ; )
hi, Pia! Just read your blog post "I Heart". What you said is so true. When problems come knocking/banging on your door demanding to be let in, one can't help but feel weak and helpless. It happens to me, too, you know.... a lot more often than most people can imagine. What keeps me going on is that I still believe in God, and I believe that He has something planned for me. These problems are all temporary.
I remember a line I read somewhere.... "Let go and let God."
Simple, isn't it? =)
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