Dad had his CT scan yesterday. He had his 4th nano chemo this morning. According to the doctors, the cancer cells are steadily diminishing. The CT scan showed that two-thirds of the cancer cells have disappeared. He seems to be responding well to the treatment. The nano chemo has not affected his appetite. He still eats a lot.
Unlike the previous sessions, he did not develop rashes this time around. Looks like everything's turning out well!
I can't thank God enough for all the blessing he has bestowed me and my family.
I had a pretty boring day. Nothing much to do here. It was raining outside. I couldn't go far. I only went out to buy our food. After that, it was back to the hospital. I spent most of the day playing Angry Birds on my smartphone.
Oh yeah, we're expecting Mr. Ng and his daughter, Shirlyn, tomorrow morning. We will be sharing the room with them.
A Work In Progress
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
I am really disappointed with myself. I was disappointed with the way I reacted to my frenzied emotions early this afternoon. See, I got into a heated argument, ok… an ugly shouting match with a neighbor friend because of a ridiculous miscommunication which resulted in an awful tangled mess.
What I thought was a harmless and casual conversation turned into a disaster because someone thought that she heard "trash" when what I said was a totally different word. I won't go into any of the details, but what I realized was that that situation brought my doppelganger out of Pandora’s box once again.
I knew that in my younger years, I had a fiery temper. I thought that I managed to tame that temper; I thought that nothing would bring it back… I was wrong. I lost control and said things that I shouldn’t have. I felt sick to my stomach thinking that I was such a disappointment to God. I wish it didn't happen, but it did.
I learned a painful but important lesson today.
I should think first before I act, especially when I am angry. I have to learn to step back and think first before acting on impulse. Above all, I realized that God isn’t finished molding my character. I am still very much a work in progress.
By the way, I am back at Fuda Hospital with Dad for his fourth nano chemo session.
Life's Lessons
Surveys & Opinions
Monday, July 25, 2011Hi standers! It's Monday once again. Here's another devotional written by David from Washington. Read on and stay encouraged!
You, like me, have had people give their opinion. Whether you asked for it or not. Some of these people will even attempt to use some Christian principal. Telling you that you are released. Some of us take surveys.
Like Paul we should not confer with flesh and blood immediately. No one can tell us what our call is. Only the Holy Spirit can reveal the Lord's perfect will for each of us. We don't need anyone to verify the path the Lord has given us. Paul didn't even go see the apostles. He went off and did as the Lord told him. He went and preached to the Gentiles.
For so many of us, this truly is a solo run. We don't have a cheering section. Our family and friends think we are crazy or disillusioned. Even our churches abandon us as the seasons pass or circumstances change. Your children may even abandon you.
The Lord is calling each of us to trust Him. To listen only to His voice. In this season we truly get to live by faith, not by sight.
"But when God, who set me apart from birthand called me by his grace, was pleased to reveal his Son in me so that I might preach him among the Gentiles, I did not consult any man, nor did I go up to Jerusalem to see those who were apostles before I was, but I went immediately into Arabia and later returned to Damascus." Galatians 1:15-17 (NKJV)When I was called to "stand," like most, I had no clue as to the path the Lord was taking me down. At first waiting for my wife to come to her senses and come home seemed reasonable. As the circumstances kept getting worse, it began to look hopeless. Then there was that day. The day that most of us have. The day the Lord speaks to us in an undeniable way. He reveals His will for our lives and our wayward spouse. He calls us to "stand" in the gap for our spouse and marriage.
You, like me, have had people give their opinion. Whether you asked for it or not. Some of these people will even attempt to use some Christian principal. Telling you that you are released. Some of us take surveys.
Like Paul we should not confer with flesh and blood immediately. No one can tell us what our call is. Only the Holy Spirit can reveal the Lord's perfect will for each of us. We don't need anyone to verify the path the Lord has given us. Paul didn't even go see the apostles. He went off and did as the Lord told him. He went and preached to the Gentiles.
For so many of us, this truly is a solo run. We don't have a cheering section. Our family and friends think we are crazy or disillusioned. Even our churches abandon us as the seasons pass or circumstances change. Your children may even abandon you.
The Lord is calling each of us to trust Him. To listen only to His voice. In this season we truly get to live by faith, not by sight.
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths." Proverbs 3:5-6 (NKJV)Be mindful that some of the advice we hear to move on comes from people who love us. They truly want us to be happy. But they don't understand our call. People really do think it's a choice we have made. That we can simply opt out or move on. We know that it's not that easy. Especially if you're like me and you have tried to move on. The Lord will bring you back.....just like he is bringing back your spouse.
Rejoice Ministries
Thankful Thursday
Thursday, July 21, 2011My heart is just overflowing with joy for God's faithfulness. He has been taking care of everything I need even during this challenging times. How great is our God! And I dare thank Him and praise Him in advance for my breakthrough. Thank you, Lord, that you haven't forgotten me yet! Thank you, Lord, for the miracle you're about to perform in my life that everyone who sees will be amazed of how great and mighty You are. To God be all the glory!
What are you thankful for this week?
For more Thankful Thursday, visit Lynn over at Spiritually Unequal Marriage.
Thankful Thursday
Road to Damascus
Monday, July 18, 2011
Hi standers! It's Monday once again. Here's another devotional written by Delon from Georgia. This is a very interesting topic. Read on and stay encouraged!
For so long I've heard over and over that everyone has their own "Free Will." Well the Lord told me Free Will was never created so we could be our own "little gods". It was created so God could use it to teach us. We have to be careful to ask ourselves..."Am I the Lord of my life?" or “Is Jesus the Lord of my life?”
The definition of "Lord" is a person who has authority, control, or power over. When we confess our sins and accept Jesus Christ, He not only becomes our Savior and saves our soul, but he becomes our Lord as well; Lord and Savior.
Well let’s take a look at a situation where Jesus, interrupted someone's "Free Will” in Acts 9.
Do not give up praying for your loved one because the world is telling you they have "Free Will." Set an example for your Loved ones and give Jesus his rightful position as Lord of your life. KNOW that He is working on your behalf. Remember, you're not only standing for you and the one you pray for, you are standing for everyone else who will be affected. Satan has seen a glimpse of the big picture and is doing everything in his power to abort it. But if you don't faint you WILL win. Your testimony is coming.
For so long I've heard over and over that everyone has their own "Free Will." Well the Lord told me Free Will was never created so we could be our own "little gods". It was created so God could use it to teach us. We have to be careful to ask ourselves..."Am I the Lord of my life?" or “Is Jesus the Lord of my life?”
The definition of "Lord" is a person who has authority, control, or power over. When we confess our sins and accept Jesus Christ, He not only becomes our Savior and saves our soul, but he becomes our Lord as well; Lord and Savior.
Well let’s take a look at a situation where Jesus, interrupted someone's "Free Will” in Acts 9.
"Meanwhile, Saul was still breathing out murderous threats against the Lord’s disciples. He went to the high priest and asked him for letters to the synagogues in Damascus, so that if he found any there who belonged to the Way, whether men or women, he might take them as prisoners to Jerusalem. As he neared Damascus on his journey, suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him. He fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him, “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?” “Who are you, Lord?” Saul asked. “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting,” he replied. “Now get up and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do.” The men traveling with Saul stood there speechless; they heard the sound but did not see anyone. Saul got up from the ground, but when he opened his eyes he could see nothing. So they led him by the hand into Damascus. For three days he was blind, and did not eat or drink anything. In Damascus there was a disciple named Ananias. The Lord called to him in a vision, “Ananias!” “Yes, Lord,” he answered. The Lord told him, “Go to the house of Judas on Straight Street and ask for a man from Tarsus named Saul, for he is praying. In a vision he has seen a man named Ananias come and place his hands on him to restore his sight.” Acts 9:1-12Let’s take a look at what's going on here. Saul was operating in his "Free Will." He had his mind made up and he had his plans. He was going to persecute everyone that belonged to Jesus Christ. Saul has just had a Divine Encounter with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. That needs to be our prayer to the Father; that our prodigals will have a Divine Encounter that will change their lives, forever. Notice Jesus made Saul blind for three days. Remember Jesus is Sovereign and knows exactly what each person needs to come to true repentance. It’s possible if Jesus wouldn't have blinded Saul, his stubbornness would have caused him to continue to rebel. Now notice how Jesus says that Saul is waiting there but he is praying! Notice how, within a matter of events, Saul went from breathing murderous threats to now being a man of PRAYER. That's the power of our King!
“'Lord,' Ananias answered, 'I have heard many reports about this man and all the harm he has done to your holy people in Jerusalem. And he has come here with authority from the chief priests to arrest all who call on your name.' But the Lord said to Ananias, 'Go! This man is my chosen instrument to proclaim my name to the Gentiles and their kings and to the people of Israel...' Immediately, something like scales fell from Saul’s eyes, and he could see again. He got up and was baptized, and after taking some food, he regained his strength." Acts 9:13-15,18-19Notice the most important thing Jesus says... Saul is a chosen instrument to proclaim the name of Jesus Christ. When God has chosen you for a specific purpose or call, you can only go so far until God pulls you back or until he intervenes. God will stop at nothing for His will to prevail. Then I want you to notice that it says "immediately" something like scales fell from Saul's eyes. We need to ask for the scales to be removed from our prodigal’s spiritual eyes, ears, heart and mind. Saul is eventually converted to Paul, a mighty Apostle of the Lord who wrote a lot of the New Testament of the greatest book ever written.
Do not give up praying for your loved one because the world is telling you they have "Free Will." Set an example for your Loved ones and give Jesus his rightful position as Lord of your life. KNOW that He is working on your behalf. Remember, you're not only standing for you and the one you pray for, you are standing for everyone else who will be affected. Satan has seen a glimpse of the big picture and is doing everything in his power to abort it. But if you don't faint you WILL win. Your testimony is coming.
Free Will,
Rejoice Ministries
I Heart
Sunday, July 17, 2011
I've been really busy with work since I came back and lazy to do other stuff too. But one thing I am really too grateful about is that God hasn't forgotten me yet. When I was feeling downhearted the past few days because of the different concerns I have that seem too big and too much, He reassured me that He knows.

Anyway, I have a new smartphone which came three months early because my old phone died on me last Sunday. Good thing all my contacts were still intact and I was able to transfer them to my new phone. It's suppose to be my birthday gift to myself. Oh well, it's an advance birthday gift then. I ♥ my new phone. =)

On a different note, people here are going gaga over milk tea, myself included. I was first introduced to this four years ago and I instantly loved it. My fave is the Mine Shine brand which was only available at 7-11 stores. I'd usually buy a couple of bottles and stock them in my fridge. I was craving for milk tea since yesterday so I got myself a cup of pearl milk tea from Chatime this afternoon after our church service. Yummy! I ♥ milk tea.
"Moses answered the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the LORD will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still.” Exodus 14: 13-14It's still a challenge though, but I constantly remind myself that the God of the universe is on my side so everything is going to be okay. I ♥ God.

Anyway, I have a new smartphone which came three months early because my old phone died on me last Sunday. Good thing all my contacts were still intact and I was able to transfer them to my new phone. It's suppose to be my birthday gift to myself. Oh well, it's an advance birthday gift then. I ♥ my new phone. =)

On a different note, people here are going gaga over milk tea, myself included. I was first introduced to this four years ago and I instantly loved it. My fave is the Mine Shine brand which was only available at 7-11 stores. I'd usually buy a couple of bottles and stock them in my fridge. I was craving for milk tea since yesterday so I got myself a cup of pearl milk tea from Chatime this afternoon after our church service. Yummy! I ♥ milk tea.
Random Thoughts
Going Home
Friday, July 8, 2011
We're going home tonight! Woohoo! I'm almost done packing, just a few more stuff left and we're all set.
Mr. Ng, Lola Pilar and Dad all have stage IV lung cancer, but they're all doing a lot better now. All praises to God! We'll be back at Fuda last week of July.
Our total accumulated bill: ¥196,641.96 ($30,416.39)
Last night, our roommates arrived --- Shirlyn and her dad. We had to share our room with another patient because the hospital is packed. We don't mind room sharing as long as it's with people we know... for security reasons. The new hospital building, which is a lot bigger, will be ready for service by August this year. In the meantime, we just need to be a little more patient with the current set up in the hospital.
Anyway, Dad and I together with Shirlyn, her dad, Lolo Manny and Lola Pilar went to Shengxuan Restaurant inside the Royal Riviera Hotel to have lunch. We did enjoy the food and, of course, each other's company. Shirlyn and her dad, Mr. Ng, are regulars in this restaurant.
L-R: Shirlyn, Mr. Ng (Shirlyn's dad), Lolo Manny, Lola Pilar, Dad and me
Dad with Lolo Manny and Lola Pilar
Well, it's almost 5 p.m. We have to have an early dinner because we're leaving for the airport by 6 and I have to finish packing.
All is Well
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Today is Dad's last day of infusion. Normally, after his nano chemo treatment, there are three days of infusions which include two bags of general chemo meds per day and vitamins. He is currently sleeping after having eaten dinner. Tomorrow, Dad will have blood tests to check his wbc.
All is well. Thank God!
On another note, at around 5 PM today, I went out to get some lemon juice for Dad and milk tea for myself. Just as I was leaving the store, the plastic bag that had the juice and the milk tea gave way and the bottle of milk tea fell and landed right smack on top of… you guessed it… the toenail that was injured a few months ago! Owwww!!!! That's the second time I hurt that toe. This is getting to be a really painful habit and I hate it!
Upon reaching the hospital, I checked my toenail, and I was soooo relieved that it wasn't as bad as the last time… just a small hairline. It still hurt though.. Grrr….
Does anyone sell Crocs with steel toe caps? Hahaha!
Our bill the other day and yesterday: ¥910.00 and ¥965.91, respectively. ($290.14 total)
Total bill as of today: ¥194,335.03 ($30,057.23)
All is well. Thank God!
On another note, at around 5 PM today, I went out to get some lemon juice for Dad and milk tea for myself. Just as I was leaving the store, the plastic bag that had the juice and the milk tea gave way and the bottle of milk tea fell and landed right smack on top of… you guessed it… the toenail that was injured a few months ago! Owwww!!!! That's the second time I hurt that toe. This is getting to be a really painful habit and I hate it!
Upon reaching the hospital, I checked my toenail, and I was soooo relieved that it wasn't as bad as the last time… just a small hairline. It still hurt though.. Grrr….
Does anyone sell Crocs with steel toe caps? Hahaha!
Our bill the other day and yesterday: ¥910.00 and ¥965.91, respectively. ($290.14 total)
Total bill as of today: ¥194,335.03 ($30,057.23)
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