We sang this song in church a few times and every time we did, it never failed to make my eyes sweat. This touches my heart deeply and the word "unconditional" seems to take a new meaning. This song embodies how grateful I am for everything He has done because of His love for me (for us).
O God thank You for loving me
When on the cross You made history...
O God thank You for choosing me
To be Your child and bear Your name...
What love the Father has lavished on us
That we should be called His sons and daughters
Precious in His sight
Greater love this world had never seen
When He hung on that tree
O why would He do such a thing
For dirty sinners like you and me?
O God thank You for loving me
When on the cross You made history
Lord You died for me
Forever my praise will go to Thee
O God thank You for choosing me
To be Your child and bear Your name
O Jesus I will never cease to sing Your praise
Your love is patient and humble and kind
It's greater than all my sin
It always protects and trusts and hopes
And will have no end
It's Your love that lifted me up from the depths
Set my feet on a solid rock
With a firm place to stand
Lord I always will trust in Your loving hand
How wide how long
How high how deep
How endless is Your love for me
How wide how long
How high how deep
How endless is Your love for me
Hmm...I don't think we've ever sung this song at church. It's one I'm not familiar with.
O God thank You for loving me
I didn't know this song either. Beautiful and such meaningful lyrics. Thanks for sharing.
what a great song and Praise God that he loves us and that he is there for us even if it seems the world is against us
Those lyrics are beautiful, Pia. I have not heard it before. Thanks for sharing it. Blessings ~
The chorus gets me teary-eyed and brings back the hope when always at the end of week sends me reeling.
Thanks for sharing this song. Never heard this one before. Praise the Lord! So glad He loves us!
I've never heard this song. Thanks for sharing.
Beautiful lyrics!
Hi Pia! I do remember you! It has been a while. I still stop by your blog from time to time. Glad you came by and left a comment! Stop by anytime. I'll make sure I come visit you more often!
Yes, that is a wonderful praise and worship song so full of love and appreciation of what God has done in our lives. Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.
Love that song :)
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