It's March 12, 8:29 p.m. Just got home from church service. Thank you for your prayers. Everybody here is safe. Thank you, God! Let's continue to pray for the nation of Japan and its people.

My mom had called me for like three times now in 30 minutes telling me to stay alert and be safe because I live in a high rise building.
I have a friend in Tokyo, Japan. According to her, phone lines are still dead and tremors can still be felt every now and then. We get updates from her through FB. Thank God for Facebook!
Please join me in prayer for all countries on alert for tsunamis and earthquakes around the Pacific Region.
I found you through Angie at Free Spirti Haven...I just finished praying for you and all! Blessings, Janel in NJ
Father, thank You so much for leading Pia to begin praying for those that have been hit by this earthquake. Thank You for leading her to pray, to be 'alert'....As I watched on TV early this morning I remember speaking to You in my heart stating that I needed to pray for those that have been effected. I thank You that Pia has already begun, has already been to the 'front lines' and started to 'battle'..I praise You Father for this day, for this is the day that You have made and we will rejoice and be glad in it. Oh Lord, save your people,,oh Lord grant them success in all that they face...amen amen amen
Pia, I just got an email from Peggy (from The Lighthouse of Prayer). She asked about you and I wanted you to know that she is praying for you and any others who may be in harms way of this earthquake. She has been told to evacuate and had talked with her family who have urged her to start home, but right now she has not decided what she will do. She is in the midst of her 40 day of Prayer. Please pray that God will protect her in whatever she decides to do.
I am definitely praying for this situation!
thank y'all for praying.
alice, i'm praying for peggy. thank you for informing me about her.
God bless y'all!
Blessings Pia...I am praying and so glad to hear that you and family are alright!!! Praise God! May He continue to shield and protect you from all the after affects! Praying for the people in Japan!
We were on alert but nothing happened yesterday as they thought we'd feel around 12. It was beautifully sunny and many natives when inland and upland from here which made me think ??? I am fine but wondered how I could get on on my roof or save 4 dogs alone. I am fine. Thank You Lord for our safety and protection! I pray Lorie Y. in Hawaii was unaffected and is alright. I'm listening to Spanish CNN and I thought something more had occurred in your area but it may be from the past. I will try to remain alert to your area. Do you know anyone else we should pray for personally? I'm so thankful you are alright! You would not think that me all the way across the Pacific from you would be so connected. So glad that we know Jesus, the Savior of the world. Please keep us advised as to how you are... God bless you!
Love, peace and JOY in Jesus,
Love you Pia!! I've been glued to the TV praying....
I'm glad to hear that you are okay.
My prayers continue to rise up for you and for all.
Big Hugs,
peggy: glad you are safe!!! alice is also waiting for updates regarding lorie. so far none yet. but let's pray she's okay.
mel, a fellow blogger from here, is okay too. just received a comment from him from another post. i'm just glad everyone we know from bloggy land is okay... so far.
allue: thank you for your prayers. my friend from japan was also back home safe as of yesterday. thank you, Lord.
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