Hi standers! Here's a devotional written by Charlyne Steinkamp, the author of Charlyne Cares of Rejoice Ministries. Stay encouraged!
If I had room in each devotional, I would have this quote at the bottom or at the top. It is such a powerful statement and truth for you as a stander. That is my prayer for you today; that you will never, never, never give up on your spouse or your Lord God.
Yes, the world, your friends, your pastor or counselor and even your family are going to say "Get on with your life. What are you waiting for? You are too young. The Lord has someone else that will be better for you." Yes, you are getting on with your life by you praying for your Lord God to touch and transform your own husband's or wife's heart to become a new creature in Christ. May you show them your patience and perseverance in waiting for the Lord's perfect time in restoring your marriage. May you never give up on God or on your spouse who is blinded and deceived by the evil one at this moment.
Let the Lord turn your circumstances around like He has done throughout the Bible. May we pray for all the men of God to speak and teach the Word of God boldly every Lord's Day. Let us pray for a mighty harvest of souls today, every day and every week thru Resurrection Sunday which will include your spouse and thousands of other prodigals around the world.
Ask the Lord to give you the perseverance, courage and faith that you need for this new week. Now start reading the Psalms today. Start with four of my favorites: Psalm 34, Psalm 37, Psalm 51 and Psalm 91 as they will strengthen your faith in your mighty awesome God. I personally have been living in the Psalms for the past three months and they will minister healing to you. Just imagine if I had given up on Bob where would I be? I am praising the Lord for the eternal results and blessings that the Lord has given our family because I chose to follow my Lord forever for His will and way. Will you?
PS: Friday evening I had finished this devotional. I went to check the email for the final time and we had received the testimony below. I felt this explains what I have been trying to say. Thank You, Lord for sending it in Your perfect timing.
"I have been a stander for several years now. Although by mortal eyes it would seem that things are still the same if not maybe worse with my prodigal, God has shown me in many ways that He is in control and has provided for me and my children abundantly. Yesterday I survived another company downsizing. He gave me Jeremiah 29:11. He has been my Husband for this season, and I have lacked nothing. For Christmas He gave me the opportunity to purchase my first new car. I will wait on His perfect timing even if it takes all my mortal years. I will be faithful to my God!" (Florida)
"The LORD is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him; it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the LORD." Lamentations 3:25-26Are you discouraged because of your circumstances? May I suggest you go worship and praise your Lord this Lord's Day. Do you feel that you cannot keep standing because it is too hard? Go get your Bible and start reading the Psalms out loud. Yes, read the Psalms until the Holy Spirit starts touching and healing your wounded, rejected and abandoned heart. Never, never stop believing in what your Lord can do for you!
"The Lord will call you back as if you were a wife deserted and distressed in spirit--a wife you married young, only to be rejected," says your God. "For a brief moment I abandoned you, but with deep compassion I will bring you back." Isaiah 54:6-7
"Hear me, you who know what is right, you people who have my law in your hearts: Do not fear the reproach of men or be terrified by their insults." Isaiah 51:7I know personally, years ago when I was going through our marriage problems and divorce, I would have said, "You do not understand! You do not understand how I hurt! You do not understand about all of my circumstances, my unpaid bills and my children!" Yes, I do understand. But even greater your Lord God understands about everything that you are going through at this very difficult time in your life. He knows about your marriage, your spouse, your children and all about the decisions that you have to make alone.
"I called on your name, O LORD, from the depths of the pit. You heard my plea: 'Do not close your ears to my cry for relief.' You came near when I called you, and you said, 'Do not fear.'" Lamentations 3:55-57My prayer was for Bob to repent and turn back to his Lord. May that be your prayer this Sunday for your husband or wife. Are you facing court issues and many legal matters? I know even if you are divorced, there still may be court battles or strife regarding finances or other issues.
"Lord, remove the strife now in the Mighty Name of Jesus and may You give Your supernatural peace within this dear stander's heart and in their beloved husband's or wife's heart. Lord, resurrect this dead marriage suddenly in the Name of Jesus. Amen."Never forget to turn to your Lord for His guidance and direction and for Him to be your Advocate and Defender. Expect your lawyer and judge to think and do things that they never planned as your Lord will touch their hearts and minds, giving them wisdom, knowledge and understanding from on High.
"Plead my cause, O Lord, with them that strive with me; fight against them that fight against me." Psalm 35:1 (KJV)You may be going through difficult times for other reasons in addition to your many different marriage problems, such as physical problems or your children may be rebelling in different ways. Often the enemy stirs up dissensions and problems all around you. Do you feel like you are in the middle of the Book of Job? I learned that if I continued to have bitterness, anger and unforgiveness in my heart, I was only hurting and destroying myself and the ones around me. (Could that be your children or your parents who are trying to help you?) My husband and the other person really did not know or care. Let your Lord God be the One that you turn to for help.
"O Lord, you took up my case; you redeemed my life. You have seen, O LORD, the wrong done to me. Uphold my cause! You have seen the depth of their vengeance, all their plots against me. O LORD, you have heard their insults, all their plots against me- what my enemies whisper and mutter against me all day long." Lamentations 3:58-62
"Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: 'It is mine to avenge; I will repay,' says the Lord." Romans 12:19Let me share an illustration that I could use every day. May I remind you of Winston Churchill who showed such perseverance during World War II. After the war, Oxford University invited Mr. Churchill to give a commencement address. He stood up, gazed intensely at his audience, and began; "I have only three truths to impart to you today on the subject of that virtue which makes a man. Let me begin by saying: Never give up. Let me continue by saying: Never, never give up! And in conclusion, I say to you: Never, never, never give up!" Then he sat down.
If I had room in each devotional, I would have this quote at the bottom or at the top. It is such a powerful statement and truth for you as a stander. That is my prayer for you today; that you will never, never, never give up on your spouse or your Lord God.
Yes, the world, your friends, your pastor or counselor and even your family are going to say "Get on with your life. What are you waiting for? You are too young. The Lord has someone else that will be better for you." Yes, you are getting on with your life by you praying for your Lord God to touch and transform your own husband's or wife's heart to become a new creature in Christ. May you show them your patience and perseverance in waiting for the Lord's perfect time in restoring your marriage. May you never give up on God or on your spouse who is blinded and deceived by the evil one at this moment.
Let the Lord turn your circumstances around like He has done throughout the Bible. May we pray for all the men of God to speak and teach the Word of God boldly every Lord's Day. Let us pray for a mighty harvest of souls today, every day and every week thru Resurrection Sunday which will include your spouse and thousands of other prodigals around the world.
Ask the Lord to give you the perseverance, courage and faith that you need for this new week. Now start reading the Psalms today. Start with four of my favorites: Psalm 34, Psalm 37, Psalm 51 and Psalm 91 as they will strengthen your faith in your mighty awesome God. I personally have been living in the Psalms for the past three months and they will minister healing to you. Just imagine if I had given up on Bob where would I be? I am praising the Lord for the eternal results and blessings that the Lord has given our family because I chose to follow my Lord forever for His will and way. Will you?
PS: Friday evening I had finished this devotional. I went to check the email for the final time and we had received the testimony below. I felt this explains what I have been trying to say. Thank You, Lord for sending it in Your perfect timing.
"I have been a stander for several years now. Although by mortal eyes it would seem that things are still the same if not maybe worse with my prodigal, God has shown me in many ways that He is in control and has provided for me and my children abundantly. Yesterday I survived another company downsizing. He gave me Jeremiah 29:11. He has been my Husband for this season, and I have lacked nothing. For Christmas He gave me the opportunity to purchase my first new car. I will wait on His perfect timing even if it takes all my mortal years. I will be faithful to my God!" (Florida)