I've learned something today.

A friend brought me cake this morning. We chatted a bit. She told me about her aunt who recently came back from the States for a short vacation. Over dinner, her aunt kept asking her about her personal life --- how she feels now that she's 38 and still single. My friend just gave a simple answer. She said,
"I'm not worried now, maybe tomorrow I will be. What's important is I focus on what's on my plate now. Right now, what's on it is that I have to finish training this week. (That's her job, she does training)."
She's right. I realized that I always have to remember to look on what's on my plate. I can't get worried over something that's not on it. It simply means that what's not on my plate is something I don't have control over, so why worry?
Now I'm passing the question on to you. What's on your plate?
Good post. Being a good father and husband is on my plate now--the other stuff is long-range planning.
Great post Pia! What is on my plate is a 30-day challenge in September, which I have been sharing on my blog.
Great question, Pia. I'll have to ponder that one for a while. I want on my plate what GOD wants on my plate.
Wonderful post sweetie, love you.
What's on my plate.... caring and loving my husband more and taking care of our marriage ; )
Very nice post. Often people snoop too much and they don't realize it.
Take care Pia!
Yes, you are so right. We cannot worry about the things we have no control over. What is important is that we turn everything to God and thank Him for whatever He brings to us- good or bad, for in the long run, they are all good. Thanks for the post. God bless you always.
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