Just this afternoon, I completely lost my temper when I picked up the phone and found out that it's busted again. My service provider hasn't resolved my previous concern yet and it's taking them ages to act on it and now this one. Everytime I call the customer service, I hear the same scripted, annoying response that they will make a follow-up report regarding my concern and that I would be contacted by their support group to properly address the problem. I would normally be okay with that response except that I totally lost it a while back. I kept getting cut off. I called them up eight times today using my cellphone and everytime somebody answers the other line he or she would ask me the same verification question and would ask me to tell them what my concern was. Annoying!!! So to cut the long story short, I screamed at them on the phone for having a lousy, pathetic service.
15 minutes later, my cellphone rang. It's the support group. Finally!!! They said that my concern has been solved. Thanks a lot!
Do I need to shout at the top of my lungs to get their butts moving??? If they can solve this in 15 minutes, why on earth did they let this problem last almost a month??? Crazy!
Anyway, I'm not proud of how I reacted earlier. I guess I'm still very much human. Oh Lord, forgive me for I have sinned.
Oh yes these cell phone people hav e a whole bag of tricks Ha-Ha. Today I found out I was being charged for a service I don 't even use.
We are all only human dear sis, love you.
OMG! I've been there done that. Good thing, I don't have an 8-5 job or else my whole time has been wasted just getting hold on my end of the line.
Pia, I can't even tell you the struggles I've had with phone companies. I'm REALLY good these days at getting my 'point' across. Yes, a few times I've lost it, but like I said to the,,'praise God I didn't let any f bombs fly'..Yes I said that to them, LOL. A few even commented back to me that they thought I was very patient with having to deal with all this garbage that was going on. I KNOW tell customer service,,'get me resolutions'. I refuse to talk to customer service, except to say,,'you can read ALL my notes, you SEE what I'm dealing with, I NEED resolutions'. than once there, I will say to them, 'if you can't deal with this, I want your supervisor'. I also ask ALL the time for their agent id...You NEED this because this insures that you HAVE spoken to the agent, and IF the agent doesn't make notes (which many don't), you have the id number plus the date that you called for your protection. See, I told ya I've been dealing with for awhile, LOL..tips of the trade girl!!
oh, i've done all that, trust me. i told the customer service to read the reports they've been writing down everytime i call to complain. i didn't want to keep on repeating what i said like a broken record. oh boy, i was really pissed. i insisted that they put their supervisor on the line. i thank God that F bombs didn't come flying out my mouth while i was talking to them. i knew they will hang up and that will make me more enraged. although i must admit i let a few of those slip after hanging up. GOD, forgive me!
pia, if you feel like it's going nowhere, you can always ask to be escalated to their MOD(manager on duty) on the hope that he too will strive to resolve your concern. other than that, there aren't any multitudes of options left but to have your service terminated and look for other subscribers, a risk of the same fold. and a risk to change your dear old mobile number. oh , relinquishing with such a sentimental dissertation, especially if you have that number for several years now. :)
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