For more Thankful Thursday, visit Lynn over at Spiritually Unequal Marriage. Have a happy weekend ahead y'all. God bless! =D
Yesterday morning I took a picture of my plant and its flower. This is how it looks like now. See the other bud on the left beginning to sprout?

Hi there pia!
I’ve been visiting your blog for a while now and I always find a gem in your new posts. Thanks for sharing.
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Hi Pia,
You greatly honor Jesus with your words. It thrills my heart to read about marriages that are transformed because of faith. Thank you for sharing this with me. BIG hugs.
Thanks for coming by my blog!
As I type, I see the post-its on the sidebar. I'm sorry. Our first son was in this world for 12 days. I'm sorry for your loss. Know you will see them both again one day!
I loved your thankful post! My DH comments regularly that God must be planning something great for us in our future because of the things He is putting us through now. I can't wait to see what that will be!
Be blessed!
Hi Pia! we'll be praying with you for your breakthrough and I'm sure we will be rejoicing with you too :)
God bles you!
hi pia,
just like your flower, your life is on bloom despite lupus. goodluck to you and your hubby.
be blessed!
I love your faith sweetie.
Hi sis Pia,
Champaca has a very aromatic scent that lingers on. It is really nice to cultivate flowers in your house. They are so absorbing and relaxing at the same time. Thanks for the post. God bless you always.
Sweet sweet your faith builds mine and blesses me so! Big big hugs to you today!
thanks for coming by my blog today. You have a cute blog and I like it. Thanks also for sharing your wonderful thankful list. Hope to see you next week. :)
This is great news Pia. May both of you advance in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jeus and in your relationship.
The flower is vrty symbolic to what you said. its so pretty.
I am praying for my younger siter 's marriage,the have been through some very precarious times.
Dear Pia,
Faith can move mountains!
Have a wonderful weekend, my lovely young friend.
Hugs and prayers,
Praying for your breakthrough to manifest any day now! His timing is perfect, so continue to trust.
Thanks for sharing, and God bless!
Hi Pia! I haven't been around for away. You've changed your blog look. I like it.
Still praying for that breakthrough, girl! God is in control.
Blessings to you this day.
Praising the Lord for setting you free and praying for you and your husband. Beautiful plant! Happy Thankful Thursday!
Very pretty plant & flower. I enjoyed your thankful post today.
I am new here! What a great blog :)
Pia it is wonderful to give thanks to God before you see the blessings- Praise to God. Be blessed
I'm blessed by your faith, yes, faith can move mountains and claim. God bless
We just need to claim it Pia.
Blessings to you always
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