God spoke to me about using me for a specific assignment. But just like Jonah, I hid and ran away from God’s call. One of my reasons was, “I have no plan to be a pastor so I don’t need ENLI.” Guess what, I was swallowed up by a big whale, figuratively, and was spit out right smack in the middle of, yup, ENLI class. Again, God showed me that it’s useless to wrestle with Him because His purpose prevails.
ENLI taught me discipline. Because it required me to attend the Thursday Prayer Meetings, God provided me an avenue where I could get encouragement to counter all of life’s troubles. He gave me an opportunity to help others know who God is by allowing me to jumpstart my own small group. Certainly, God is using ENLI to train me specifically for that assignment He told me about. Lastly, because of ENLI, God empowered me to experience more of Him like never before. My life is changed.
Such a lovely testimony my friend, congrats on your upcoming graduation.
Hi Pia, I'm wondering where is your EC? I haven't been able to locate it? ;p
janice: i don't have EC here. that's on my other blog. this contains all of my personal posts. no ads.
How beautiful. You testimony written above is full of His powerful fingerprints on your life. Be obedient. Be steadfast. He will bring to pass His plans for you. And you will rejoice all the more!
In His Love, Joanne
I can't find the comment tab on your TT post. Help..
So now I see what you graduated from. I asked you in another comment what you were studying. Your testimony made me cry. Again with the Lord's perfect timing, I was meant to read this today about something the Lord is calling me to do and I am wasting so much energy fighting him and fearing the calling. May I copy it with your name and keep it in my journal to read again and again?
Bless you so much Pia!
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