It is the same with trusting God; He knows what is best for us even if we don't understand what is happening. Carrying out God's will does not hinge upon our understanding every matter, but it does require that we live a God-honoring life and trust Him completely,
"For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways," says the Lord." Isaiah 55:9We cannot possibly know and understand why God chooses to do what He does and how He chooses to do it. What we can do though, is trust that He has our best interest in mind and honor Him with our obedience.
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding." Proverbs 3:5
That is a great devotion...thanks for sharing it with us!
I can recall my oldest son when he was preteen he want us to let him ride his bike on dark and rainy night in town.
I recall telling him "no and the reason it wasn't safe."
He then looked at me and told me "That was a dumb reason" I had a simple answer then.
"I'm the parent and I said NO!
Coffee is on.
Hi sis Pia,
That is called God's sovereignty, He will do as He pleases no matter whether we understand His moves or not. As you say, we must just trust in His inherent goodness and unfailing love for us. Thanks for the inspired post. God bless you always.
How very true the words of this devotion are. So glad you shared it with us.
This post is inspiring, that we should trust God and believing that God is there for us all the time, knowing the best and giving us the best for us.
peppy: we're like your kid sometimes. but like how you responded, sometimes God is like that too with us. He's God and He says NO or WAIT. God bless.
avatar: when we think about it, it's a relief to know that He knows what's best and when. God bless you.
Hi Pia, thanks for stopping by my blog. nice to hear from you again. Isn't God good to speak to our hearts just when and what we need to hear.
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