For me those are godwinks. I have many of those this year and I thank God for those winks.
These silent little miracles - messages of assurance that no matter what is happening in your life or how uncertain things may seem at the moment, God is with you and will help you move toward certainty." ~ SQuire RushnellToday is a very special day. It is special because this was the day my beloved and I said "I do" six years ago.
I opened my mail as I always do everyday and this is what I got from someone who knows nothing about my personal life.

I love godwinks!
Happy Anniversary!
Keep your faith in Him.
God Bless!
Happy sixth anniversary on your wedding with Jec. I pray to God that the next anniversary will bring you together for good. This I pray in Jesus name. Amen. God has been so good to you inspite of everything that happened in your life. We may not understand all of them but we can always trust God that they were meant for our good. Your day will come. Surely it will. Just hold on to the Lord and He will grant you all the desires of your heart. I share with your happiness in this glorious occasion in your life. God bless you always.
Hi Sweet Pia! Your anniversary is just one month after mine, also 3 years ago! Thanks for all your comments and prayers and patience with me. There are no coincidences. Every coincidence means God is saying "This was my idea." So nice to finally see what your husband looks like! I just sent you an email, you and I are in the same boat, with our husbands away and not knowing the Lord's plans for our future. It is really hard isn't it? What would we do without the comfort of our Savior? You are such a wonderful example! Bless you always sis!!
Love, Sheila
OH EXCUSE MY MISTAKE! You were married 6 years ago, I was married 3 years ago, but have been dating and trying for immigration for 5 years. Hugs
Congratulations on your anniversary dear Pia. I see you found me on my new site. I've been kinda hiding out. I'm trying to be more transparent on my new site about my struggles and joys. I hope you and your beloved have a blessed New Year and Merry Christmas. I'm adding you to my blogroll and promise to stay in touch this coming new year.
Lots of love and hugs from your Sister in Christ,
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