Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 22, 2008
May your celebration of His birth be filled with joy this Christmas.

"For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord." Luke 2:11

Our ENLI Christmas Party

Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Yesterday was super fun! It was Ortigas' ENLI Christmas party. After nights of practice, finally now it's over. Well, we didn't win but that's okay because we performed for the Lord. I'm sure He was up there sitting on His throne laughing out loud when He saw our goofy dance number.

We all enjoyed the party, our bonding and of course, we'll treasure the friendship forever.

Thank you, Lord, for the fellowship. We give you back all the glory!

Click HERE for more photos.

When God Winks

Monday, December 15, 2008
Do you believe in coincidences?

For me those are godwinks. I have many of those this year and I thank God for those winks.
These silent little miracles - messages of assurance that no matter what is happening in your life or how uncertain things may seem at the moment, God is with you and will help you move toward certainty." ~ SQuire Rushnell
Today is a very special day. It is special because this was the day my beloved and I said "I do" six years ago.

I opened my mail as I always do everyday and this is what I got from someone who knows nothing about my personal life.

Coincidence? Nah... I just got another wink from God. ♥

Thankful Thursday

Thursday, December 11, 2008

This week I thank God for:
  • The joy and peace that He gives me in the midst of all my troubles.
  • My job and His continuous financial provision. He provided me ways to earn extra bucks. This truly is a big help to pay up everything that needs to be paid.
  • His protection over me, my husband and my birth-family.
  • My church friends and my blogger friends who continuously pray for my family.
  • His faithfulness. His love and mercy. His patience towards me and my husband.
Lord, I continue to praise your name. I believe in my heart that it's just a matter of time before I see my breakthrough and your promises come to pass. I trust in you, Lord. I surrender my life and my marriage to you, O mighty God. In Jesus' name, amen

For more Thankful Thursday, visit Iris over at Grace Alone. Have a happy weekend ahead y'all. God bless! =D


Friday, December 5, 2008
I'd like to share with you this message from Turning Point with David Jeremiah. This spoke to my heart so I decided to just copy the entire devotion.

Children are constantly asking the question "Why?" "Why do I have to go to bed?" "Why can't I have candy for breakfast?" "Why won't you let me play in the street?" Of course, to adults the answers to these questions are obvious and make complete sense because we understand that it's in the best interest of the child to get sufficient sleep, eat nutritious food, and remain safe while playing. But children simply do not understand this yet, and therefore have to trust their parents to make good decisions for them.

It is the same with trusting God;
He knows what is best for us even if we don't understand what is happening. Carrying out God's will does not hinge upon our understanding every matter, but it does require that we live a God-honoring life and trust Him completely,
"For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways," says the Lord." Isaiah 55:9
We cannot possibly know and understand why God chooses to do what He does and how He chooses to do it. What we can do though, is trust that He has our best interest in mind and honor Him with our obedience.
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding." Proverbs 3:5

Thankful Thursday

Thursday, December 4, 2008

I missed three Thursdays I think. Glad to be back.

I thank the Lord for confirming His answer to me... again.

God spoke to me about my marriage several times in the past and I knew God is in control. I knew that He's working behind the scenes for me. This morning when I woke up, I asked the Lord to speak to me about it again. When I got to my office I checked my email. To my delight, this is what I read:
hi Pia, i had saved this word from Joel & Victoria Osteen last year. when i read it just now, you came to my thoughts, so i thought i'd share it here with you:

"Your time is coming! The dreams and desires, the things you want to accomplish, the situations you want to see changed will happen. Just because it has taken a long time, or because you've tried and failed, don't give up on those dreams. Don't be complacent about pursuing what God has placed in your heart. I encourage you today - get your fire back! It may be taking a long time, but God is a faithful God. No matter how long it's been, no matter how impossible it looks, if you'll stay in faith, your time is coming. Every dream that's in your heart, every promise that has taken root, God not only put it there, but He has every intention of bringing it to pass. Start declaring today, "My time is coming. God is working behind the scenes on my behalf. I will fulfill my destiny. I will fulfill the plan God has for my life!" As you declare and expect and wait for the appointed time, your faith will grow. Your hope will grow. And you'll step into the destiny God has in store for you!"

i remember how loud this spoke to me when i read it last year, and God is still speaking thru these same words. i hope they'll bless you as well.

hope all is well with you. hugs!
God knew I'd asked Him about this and He already prepared His answer in advance... His way. God knew all along! Thank you, Lord!

For more Thankful Thursday, visit Iris over at Grace Alone. Have a happy weekend ahead y'all. God bless! =D

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