FEAR --- False Evidence Appearing Real (by Joyce Meyer) is an emotion we can choose to feel toward something that hasn't happened yet that'll lead us to wallow in worry. Or we can choose to have FAITH and continue to TRUST in Him who promised that He has our situation well under control. I choose the latter. I choose to have joy and peace instead of anxiety. Everything's going to be all right! You know, writing this helps me remember that my God is bigger than any of my problems. He's bigger than any of my concerns.
"Father, I stand in your presence once again and lifting up this load to you. I believe that with you nothing is impossible. I know that you're going to make a way for us. The christmas tree I put up is more than just an adornment in our house, it symbolizes the faith I have in you. Father, more than anyone, you know my heart and my husband's. I believe in You. We believe in You. Thank you, Father, for giving us joy and hope. And thank you for giving us the strength to stand in what we believe you for even when the enemy is trying his best to control us through fear. I give you back all the glory. In Jesus' name, Amen."
I'm so thankful you were blessed in this even though I know that some of His blessings aren't wrapped the way we might like.
We continue to hope for a quick answer to your prayers but we know they will be answered.
May God richly bless you.
Patience is the hardest thing to learn.
I'll be so glad when I learn it.
God bless!
Interesting how God stretches whatever faith we step out in. He's not content to just work with that. Because He knows what's best for us, He pushes us just a tad big more, almost to the breaking point. And when the answer comes, which is often times not what we expect but is always right, then we give Him the glory for what is absolutely of His doing.
God bless you, Pia, in the midst of this trial by fire.
Your faith is so encouraging!
As I often say: patience, I can't wait to have it:-)
Fear is awful. It ruined my life for quite a while. It's better to run to it and face it then to react to it. That is difficult because it goes against our nature. But I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
May God bless you, girl.
God's Grace.
I always love the saying, "Give me patience but I want it now." I'm very impatient, but sometimes I really love it when I realize that God is guiding me through a time of patience.
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