I'm tired and extremely irritated of telling people how to do things and still end up doing it the wrong way. After seeing two of my light colored tops now with black stains on them, I completely lost it this morning. I was so exhausted from work yesterday, haven't had a good sleep that night and now this. I was furious! I could hear my hubby echoing in my ear what he used to tell me when things go wrong: "Babe, keep your cool and just let it pass. It's okay." No, this time it's not okay! That's the third one she ruined in three months. The first one was a light blue haltered top Jec gave me! Ooohh, I gave her a piece of my mind! Grrr... My point is this --- all of us are expected to do the job we're being paid for, and a good job at that. We're allowed to make mistakes because let's face it, nobody's perfect. But we should LEARN from those mistakes. One misjudgement of a doctor can cause him his license. One major act of negligence can cause me my job. I also expect people working for me to do their job accordingly. I didn't plan to do my venting here, but am I making sense?
Yes and you have ever right to feel that way and I'm glad you decided to tell us. We'll pray about it.
You make good sense.
One's pay is not a gift, it is compensation for a job. And a job should be well done.
you have every right to feel that way and also to expect them to be responsible and willing to learn to do a better job.
Praying for you.
God's Grace.
right and yet the grrr probably isn't.
I'm having an awful day too, shouted at DD and hubby (son is away so he got off lightly) I'm SO fed up and can SO identify with you - yet we are NOT to get angry but rather deal with irritations constructively.
and on that note I repent.
I'm not preaching to you btw, but to me. Sigh sigh sigh. Life ain't easy and I'm a sinner too. What a combination!
Hi there,
First off, I love your clip of the little man pouting. I know how you feel, there are some days when I feel like can't anything go the way I was planning on. Can't anyone do anything right.
If it's ok with you, I'm going to pray that God gives you enlightenment as to what He wants you to be doing and to help you meet His will. Sometimes I think He allows us to face these frustrating disappointments in order for us to come closer to Him.
But I do agree with you, it can be very frustrating when people don't seem to learn from previous mistakes.
sneaked back to see the man in the bathtub - that was me yesterday. GRRRR
today's been better though! Hope for you too !
be blessed
So glad I got through today! It is so hard to get into your site with my phone because there is so much fun activity that it confuses my system. I always so much appreciate your comments and grace on my site! Also, when I do get in, I often end up on Sept 8 for some reason, so I left a few comments there - that was a great message about rest. Kind of ties in with yours (and my) messages for today. We need to rest in Him! We'll pray.
Thank you for your kind comments. It means a lot to me.
Yes, perfect sense.
One mistake, okay...grace. But more than once and even thrice. Wow. Something is wrong. Be angry and sin not. I've learned that means don't allow anger to become wrath. Express your dislike and try to make it right.
I'd don't know, I'd have a hard time if it were my clothes being spoiled. I don't have time to hunt down or the money to buy replacements.
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