I guess, my posts will be mostly updates on my health for friends and families overseas. Forgive me for posting less and less lately. Honestly, I'd love to post more often, but lately I haven't been feeling too well to do so. I've been having blood test almost every week to monitor progress or regress/lapses on my current condition.

I've been experiencing lupus arthritis every morning for the past three weeks. It's very painful and would wake me up very early in the morning. I'm also experiencing muscle stiffness and brain fogs. I keep forgetting things so I have to list down everything I need to do so I won't miss out on anything as much as possible. This is very frustrating for somebody like me I tell you. I also feel very exhausted most of the time to the point of not being able to get up from bed.
Do I like going through all these? NO!
But how would I explain these things to ordinary people who don't even have the slightest idea what lupus is? I don't look sick, I look like I just gained a lot of weight. Surely, some would think I'm just slacking off, but they don't know the pain I'm going through each day. How do I explain this to regular people? How will they understand?
Aside from these inconveniences, this illness also gave me lupus nephritis. It affected my kidneys and now I have to constantly watch what I eat and how much I take in. No fun for somebody who's taking steroids, who's constantly craving for food.
May I ask you to please continue to pray for me. I really want to get well and yes, I still believe healing is mine. I'm not doubting that. I know Jesus will heal me. When? Only He knows.
Lord, I humbly submit myself to you. I know you will give me the grace and the strength to keep going because I know you're not done with me yet. But should I reach the end of the line, I am most excited to finally meet You.. my Maker, My Lord.
So sorry sweet sis, love and prayers to you always.
Pia, I understand a little of your pain. My pain is nothing like yours but I think it is fibromyalgia...and my doctor thinks so too, but I'm not welling to continue more tests and office visits. I also have gout, and arthritis pains and leg weakness etc. YES...there are many days you might not feel like getting out of bed, and if you don't have too, get that rest. The cells of our body regenerate during sleep and rest. So you are actually working hard when you rest...your body is working hard!
God bless you and encourage you my friend! ♥♥♥
We jsut saw that your kitty Pia visited us some time ago on our blog. We are so very glad to meet you! We will be purring for you as we understand that lupus can be a nasty thing. Meowm has a Stepmeowm that has that icky stuff.
Lord Jesus, Who went about doing good and healing all, we ask You to bless Your
friends who are sick. Give them the strength in body, courage in spirit, and
patience in pain. Let them recover their health, so that, restored to the Christian
community, they may joyfully praise Your Name, for You live and reign forever and
ever. Amen.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
A Prayer for Good Health
offered to you Pia, Sushi' mom from Laura, mom to Da Tabbies O Trout Towne
May God grant to you and give you the strength you need to combat this illness. I am sorry you must go through this.
Sorry to hear you are struggling, Pia. Praying for you.
I know the pain of arthritis because I feel it every morning on my fingers.
I am so sad that you are suffering right now.
All my prayers go to you, my dear.
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