Lost in Guangzhou

Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Loren and I took Bus 190 to go to Beijing Lu, one of Guangzhou's most famous pedestrian streets. It was once a road regularly used by government officials in ancient China. I wasn’t really interested to shop there. I just wanted to see the place. I was even more interested in seeing historic remnants of the ancient Dynasties.

Streets of Beijing Lu
 In the middle of the road, enclosed in glass, are the relics from the Song and Yuan Dynasties (11th-14th centuries).

Song and Yuan Dynasties
The pedestal of the Southern Song Gate
1127-1279 A.D.
We also saw a water clock.

Bronze Water Dropping Clock (Dated to Yuan Dynasty), 1316 A.D.
There’s also the famous ancient Buddhist Temple, The Temple of the Six Banyan Trees. Situated at Liurong Road, this Buddhist Temple was built in 537 in the Liang Dynasty.

The Temple of the Six Banyan Trees
Inside you will find three large Buddhist icons. These are the largest ancient brass structures in Guangdong Province.

L-R: Amitabha, Sakyamuni and Maitreya

In one of the shops around the area, I saw this oyster with pearls in it. It’s my first time to see one even though back in the Philippines we have a lot of these. 

When Loren and I decided to call it a day, we tried walking to where the Bus 190 passes. Unfortunately, we didn’t find where the bus stop was, so we kept walking until we realized we’re lost. We tried asking for directions, but, guess what? Nobody there understood us! We walked more than a kilometer. For someone who isn’t used to walking that long a distance, trust me, it felt like my legs wanted to detached themselves from my body.

I was tired, very tired, but I had fun.

Our bill for today is: ¥858.42 ($131.46)
Total bill as of today: ¥113,726.17 ($17,446.84)


Bluebirdy said...

I'm glad you found your way back! You got some great photos while lost! There is a quote I love, that those oysters remind me of. "Be like the oyster, make your irritations into pearls." Time to look online for some mandarin phrases and words you will need. You will need to find a store that has English to Mandarin phrase book, or an electronics store that sells the hand held translators that says the words for you in mandarin, after you type in the words you need. If you are staying for 3 weeks, I wonder if a Christian family will let you stay with them, or if you can rent a furnished flat/apartment cheaper then a hotel. I hope this comment works, no commenting has worked for over a week. Praying for you and your father and your family and the doctors. The Lord is with you hon.
Love, Sheila

France Go said...

Hope you can post more pictures specially when you guys go out and explore the City. :-)

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