This week I thank the Lord for:
- Continuously changing me to be a better person. I didn't notice the changes before, but I do now.
- Waking me up at night to quicken me to pray for someone.
- The gifts He sent me through my friends. I love having good surprises from the Lord.
- A hearty laugh every now and then. Wish I could do this more often.
- Peace even if some people are saying nasty things about me. God made me realized last night that these people have issues in their lives, deep seated issues, and I just happened to be the one "out there" to throw their darts at so to speak.
What are you thankful for this week?
For more Thankful Thursday, visit Lynn over at Spiritually Unequal Marriage.
Pia, that is so true. Sometimes people just spew out what is inside them ("out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks"), and woe to anyone who is in their path. It really is more a reflection of what they are, not of you.
Please see mine here.
God bless you!
You are such a blessing to me my friend, love you.
Wonderful thankful list, especially reading of how you recognize how God is changing you, and of being awaken at night to pray for someone. I was so blessed by you post.Thank you for sharing.
the Lord is good to us all the time and it is wonder how we do not always realize it at the time but upon second look we see it standing out
What a great list! The first comment was so right. I'm glad you were able to see where the darts were coming from.
That not only helps us in the struggle to not take things personally, it can even help us to respond in kindness.
Many Blessings
Blessings to you too sis! what a wonderful way to see beyond people's reaction and know that they have their struggles too :)
Thank God for His many blessings upon you, Pia. God is truly changing us day by day to conform us more and more to our Lord's image. May He continue to fill your life with joy and many blessings.
Warm regards,
I love it that the Lord wakes you at night urging you to pray.
I also am glad you can see people with bigger eyes. Knowing they have giant problems that are likely spiritual often allow you to move on and forgive. Girl, you just keep clinging to Jesus. I know you do.
Love you and have a wonderful day tomorrow and I will see you again next week.
I love that phrase sis. You happened to be the one out there to throw there darts at. That means sometimes people just throw out their ill feelings to somebody else who they think is harmless enough and who would probably not react to an outburst of their angst. You are progressing very well sis if you can maintain your composure even if you are unnecessarily hurt by others. We can just throw the hurt and pains to the Lord who will comfort us and erase our temporary misery. Well done my friend. Thanks for the post. God bless you always.
You have a great list - I love to read that you are conscience of what God has done within you, rather than the superficial stuff outside of you. Have a great weekend!
Thank you for sharing your heart of thanksgiving with us Pia. Praying for and with you dear sister in Christ. God bless you.
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