The easiest thing to do is to throw in the towel and just walk away. Exactly what the others have been wanting me to do. They have underlying reason for wanting this for their own benefit. Then people started questioning if I really heard from Him or was it just me hearing what I wanted to hear. That hurts.
In my heart I knew I heard from God.
I was hurting so bad. I was so broken... I sought the Lord, cried out to Him. He led me to this -
1 When you go to war against your enemies and see horses and chariots and an army greater than yours, do not be afraid of them, because the LORD your God, who brought you up out of Egypt, will be with you. 2 When you are about to go into battle, the priest shall come forward and address the army. 3 He shall say: "Hear, O Israel, today you are going into battle against your enemies. Do not be fainthearted or afraid; do not be terrified or give way to panic before them. 4 For the LORD your God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory." Deuteronomy 20:1-4I rest in the loving arms of a mighty God ever assuring my victory.
No weapon forged against my marriage will prevail, and I will refute every tongue that accuses me. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and this is my vindication from the LORD." Isaiah 54:17Would you please remember me and my husband in prayer?
Amen, such beautiful words sweetie.
hi Pia, love this post. you know, Eve got into trouble with God because she listened to the serpent when he said to her, "did God really say you shall not eat from every tree of the garden?" God had already said what trees to eat from and what tree to not eat from, and of course, the serpent/devil heard that. remember, satan used to live in Heaven, so he knows the promises of God. it's his job to try and make us doubt. even today, the devil knows when God tells us things, and he still questions us as to whether we really heard from God and as to whether God really said this or that?
Jesus said, "My sheep know My voice, and another they will NOT follow." it's up to us to know what God has said to us, and to stand on His Word/promises, no matter who doesn't believe us. i'm learning to talk less and less with people about certain things and let God lead me who to talk to or ask for prayer because everyone won't believe. keep believing for God is faithful and His promises are Yea and Amen!
though the vision tarries, wait for it because it will not lie and will surely come. whatever vision or promise God has given us will certainly come to pass. it may take a while, but God is not a liar and His Word will come to pass. and as we wait on God, He's doing a work in us. love you! stay encouraged!
Hello Pia
I wanted to thank you for your response to my posting on Through Him All Things Are Possible.
You and your husband are in my prayers this day. And you need to know that I called my husband at work and read him the Bible verse you have in your posting from Deut. as he is dealing with some "enemies" at the church he pastors and has been feeling a bit discouraged by the ongoing criticisms. God blessed us with your posting of His word!
On another note, we lived in The Philippines many many years ago when my husband was stationed at Clark Air Force Base. Two of our children are adopted from there. It was a very special time in our lives and we remember it fondly.
God be with you this day and in the guidance He brings to you.
Isaiah 30:21 is a good verse to hang on to.
Perfectly said: "I rest in the loving arms of a mighty God ever assuring my victory."
I recently heard 'the future is as bright as your faith'.
May your faith remain, no matter WHAT life throws at you!
Blessings to you both, sweet Pia:)
yes, pia! i've been praying for the both of you! and i will nvr give up! Hang on to yr faith! Im sure God at work! *HUGZ* God Bless!
dear pia,
i just saw you over at mels' and i think that it is high time that i thank you for praying for me.
the pace maker operation was not at all bad to go through, and a lot of the pain is leaving.
i am just having a little trouble with my left arm and my hand but they say that it is a normal thing.
you want your friends to pray for you and your husband, so i will have to read a little of your blog, so i can pray too.
i have always enjoyed your comments over at mels' and other blogs. you appear to be a very sweet christian,....love terry
I wanted to let you know I have been praying for you and your husband..((hugs))
Hi sis Pia,
You know that I am always praying for you and your husband. I have also many prayers for my own but I learned to trust God that He will give me what is best for me and not what I ask for in prayers. In the economy of God, so many things are being considered- your husband, you and other people too, not to mention God's plans for both of you. We suffer because we focus on our own wants and desires. Would it be better if we offer ourselves unconditionally to the Lord and trust Him that He will give us what is best for us. Maybe your desire to be with your husband is the last stumbling block or icon that stands in the way in your relationship with God. Maybe you should focus more on what God wants you to do in your life and leave your ultimate fate in His hand. I am not dissuading you sister. Far from it since I will be the happiest guy on earth if ever you will be reconciled with your husband. But we must bow first to God's sovereign will before we seek our own personal wants. Just a food for thought my dear friend. I am also praying for your eventual reunion with Jec. Thanks for the emotional post. God bless you always.
A Very Blessed Easter to you, Pia =)
Take care ((HUGS)))
Hello again Pia
thank you for stopping by my blog about living with Lyme Disease. I also have a blog ~
www.myautumnyears.blogspot.com that speaks of my faith and is listed at CWO, like yours is.
I posted a reply to your comment at my Lyme Living Blog.
I pray you have a Blessed Easter and that healing comes into your life and your husband.
Gentle hugs
thank you for praying. i believe that the prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective. i pray that God will bless your good hearts for standing with me in praying for the salvation of both my husband and my marriage.
I don't know if you ever read any of my devotionals where I have written about my marriage. Pia, Randy and I had a VERY dysfunctional marriage. Tons of abuse, heartache and sorrow. I can't even count the times I prayed to God to release me, set me free, or screaming one time, 'this is the best You have for me?" (that is how much I was hurting). God IS amazing. God IS good. God IS a God of impossibilities. God has and CONTINUES to bring healing, wholeness, healthiness, forgiveness, mercy, compassion and love, love, love into a marriage that truly was shattered.
I always say, if God does for one of His children, He will do for another...
I LOVE these scriptures that you have poured out into your marriage. POWERFUL!!! Remember also, His Word shall not return to Him void girl..Keep on keeping on...
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