Anyway, back to my giveaway... it's a surprise. I made sure it's special. Anyone can join by leaving me a comment with your email addy too so I can inform you when your name has been picked. I will also post who the winner is plus the photo of the gift. This will start today, February 19 until March 1. I will randomly choose the winner on March 2, 12 noon (Philippine time).
Thank y'all for celebrating with me! I thank God for all of you...
For more Thankful Thursday, visit Iris over at Grace Alone. Have a happy weekend ahead y'all. God bless! =D
I am glad you found a new blog you like. Happy tt,
Looking forward to reading what you have to say! Have a great day.
Love your blog!
slcremer at gmail dot com
I love your new home!!! We have so very much to be thankful for and as we are serving Him...much to look forward to.
Happy TT!
hi pia,
thanks for dropping by my blog. here's my email. mil3tt3@yahoo.com
Love your new look Pia and have missed hearing from you. Looking forward to your giveaway...I'm all about a giveaway now so heres my addy:
Happy TT! Laurie
Welcome back dear one, you were missed.
I love your new header....very, very nice. I am excited you invited me over. I am thankful for you!
God Bless,
Hi Pia, neat blog you have here. Love the new look.
Your profile photo is super.
Here is my email add for the giveaway
Hi Pia, I love your header, its so nice. You design it yourself? Your pic is so beautiful, esp your wedding pic :)
Thanks for inviting me to join in your first blog giveaway. I hope I could be lucky.
Thanks :):)
Hi sis Pia,
Welcome back to active blogging in your new home. I hope you will continue to blog and share with your readers your experiences and struggles in life. Thanks for the post. God bless you always.
I've added this blog to my blogroll. Hugssss... :):)
Hi Pia,
I popped over from Amrita's blog. Great site here--love your header. God has brought several Phillipinos into my life in recent years, most recently Lidia from Crown of Beauty. All a super blessing from God.
WOuld love to be entered in a surprise giveaway.
My email is trinisita at hotmail dot com.
Blessings, Sita
I love your new blog!!! It is beautiful.
You already have my email address, hehe.
It is good to have you back. We missed you, girl.
Are you on your own domain? I don't see a blogspot.com at the end of your url. Yeah, curiosity kills the cat, haha.
(((HUGS))) and love.
I love the header. Did you design that yourself?
I'm excited about your give away.
Blessings, Mama Bear
Hello dear glad to hear you are back
What a beautiful page!! Welcome back, I have missed you! Happy Thankful Thursday to you, and add me in your give-away:)
well keep it up Pia. I am here to always support you. Life is hard but whose life doesn't, so cheer up
My Daily Thoughts
Blogger"s Recollections
Array Of Hopes
Thanks for dropping by my blog and informing me of your new site. It looks fabulous!!! You'll need to give me some tips because I really want to revamp my blog! I'm curious about your giveaway too! :)
Welcome back, and I love your new blog! What a sweet idea to do a giveaway. Happy Thankful Thursday!
I just found your blog through Thankful Thursday, what a great place!
Sign me up! Hugs Denise
hi pia! i really love yr header! congrates! :)
and oh, pls sign me up! thanks!! *HUGZ*
Welcome back! I love your new look. Thank you for the cup of tea! Happy Thankful Thursday!
I'm so glad I found you again. I did get your calender and thank you so much. I have it on top of my hutch.
I would love to be in your drawing please put my name in the hat.
Coffee is on.
I found your Blog through Thankful Thursday, hope you have fun getting back into the swing of blogging. I know I love being able to write
What a great Thankful Thursday post...
Giveaways are great too
Have a wonderful weekend.
Jenn at Growth in God I also have a Thankful Thursday post
I KNOW you..lol. I found you at HisLivingSacrifice blog. I used to 'visit' you. LOL. So I have decided to follow you. Blessings. Your blog looks just lovely.
I'm so glad you stopped to see me today! I was so glad to see you and love your new blog look, my sweet sister! Congrats on your giveaway! Happy Thursday to you!
Hi Pia,
Your new blog looks wonderful, and how nice that you have a give away. I will follow your new blog. Thank you for inviting me and following me.
Hugs and blessings,
Love your new header! Happy TT!
Hi, Pia! Love the new look of your blog, esp. using Phil. 1:6 in your header. I look forward to reading of all your victories that you will experience!
Glad to see you back Pia! I'll make sure to bookmark your new addy and change it on my blog. Got me very curious as to your giveaway...please enter my name. Email is tabby2004 [at] hotmail [dot] com
You have such a nice new home! Glad you are back. God bless you.
Beautiful blog Pia :)
Hi Pia,
Great blog here. You know I am not sure why you couldn't open SUM. I will try to work on it tomorrow. God bless you my sister. You know, you and I have been visiting each other for a long time now on Thursdays.. Neat... Like visiting an old friend and you make me smile. Hugs.
I LOVE your new blog! It looks great, and I'm glad you're back too! :)
And of course I'd love to be entered in your little giveaway as well...how fun! Thanks!
andraya3 at yahoo dot com
Very nice customize blog layout. :)
How awesome! Thanks for sharing!
Blessings to you and your family……
welcome back Pia, and blessings to your heart for choosing to say thank you with a gift. Bless your heart. Like the new site may it provide breakthrough to all who visit. blessings of peace, joy and love.
hi Pia! Thank you for visiting my thankful post :) and congratulations on your new home! looking forward to more beautiful posts!
I came over from Clothed With Scarlet (Derba)Wecome back!! Stop by anytime...
Hi there!! I would love to participate in your giveaway!! I have family in the Philippines!!
Beautiful look for a beautiful person.
Thanks for your prayers and encouragement.
This is Lori again my email is lori@esinc.net
My fingers were to quick and I put an a instead of the c.
Have a nice weekend.
Thank you for your visit this week! May you be blessed in your giving :)
Just stopped by to say (Hi!)
Hi Pia
Nice seeing you out in blog land again!
hi Pia,
love your new blog. your gifts just keep on manifesting. thanks for your encouragement, prayers, and friendship. love you!
Great post! Thank you for your prayers...
Beelieve You Can!
Psalm 18:29
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