I remebered the song by 2Pac - Changes, and part of it says, "And although it seems heaven sent, we ain't ready, to see a black President."
I knew this would happen without a shadow of a doubt. It's just a matter of time. And that time is NOW. The whole world witnessed this much awaited but also much skepticized occurence ever in the history of America.
This made me realize that everything in this world is subject to change. If your life right now is messed up, I have good news for you. That too is subject to change. And this also proves that when God says, "It's time," He means IT'S TIME.
God bless us all!
You forgot to mention that Obama is the most "anti-christ" president that America has elected. I believe that God is sovereign and that this is giving America what she wants. We are NOT a "christian" nation anymore! America is under judgement!
anonymous: i'm sorry, i don't want to sound rude but i don't quite agree that america is under judgement. changes happened because God says it's time. whether or not the people of america did the right choice by voting for mr. obama, he is now america's president. we can only hope and pray to God that he puts his action where his mouth is. God is still in control. He knows this will happen and He allowed it for a reason. there's always a purpose behind all these. let's not put our trust in men but let's remember that we should be trusting GOD. remember, God has not fallen off His throne yet... he never will. so don't lose hope. our hope is in God.
thanks for your inputs. God bless you.
i always knew also that we'd have a Black president one day, and in my lifetime too. i've heard a lot of people say they thought they'd never see it. i think faith always sees the impossible. i truly believe President Obama was appointed by God, as well as anointed by God. i wonder how someone sees him as anti-Christ. i have to disagree. as you said, God is in control. promotion comes from God.
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