Just Busy

Monday, November 24, 2008
My schedule the last two weeks have been really crazy. My boss is leaving for Malaysia this week so I hope I'll be more relaxed by then. I just had like an hour free today that's why I was able to post something here. But not enough time to weave my thoughts for a decent post.

I'll see you guys before this week ends. God bless y'all!


Anonymous said...

That's how my life is too lately! Here's wishing that the whole big pile would disappear soon enough! Have a blessed week!

Anonymous said...

Great photo representation of how life gets when we say yes to too many things as I have lately...

Hoping you find rest and refreshment.

Anonymous said...

wow, you have a lot of work on your desk Pia. (smile!)

for real, don't forget to rest in between all of the work. hugs!

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