Am I Healed?

Monday, October 27, 2008
A dear blogger friend asked me this question:
You keep saying you know you are already healed. Do you mean that you don't have any lupus symptoms anymore or do you mean that you will be healed when you get your new body in the next world?
This is what I wrote her (Slightly edited):

I was diagnosed to have drug induced lupus at 2001. I had butterfly rashes around my eyes and cheeks. I thought that wasn't serious. I said to myself, "Well, that's why I'm taking these meds to drive it away." Then I got married and got pregnant. I lost our first baby. My doctor was baffled how and why the baby died when she was monitoring my pregnancy closely. Then she asked me to take these battery of lab tests. She said "Let's hope and pray that it's not APAS." My husband and I didn't know anything about that acronym or that sickness at all. She explained it to us and of course I did a little research on that too. I told my husband at the same time convincing myself that "No, of course I don't have that." But sadly, my lab tests came out positive. I was devastated. I had treatment for six months until I was given the go-signal by my immunologist that we can get pregnant again. I had another lab test done. It says my lupus was active although the level wasn't high, it proved that it wasn't just drug induced but it was actually lupus, the real thing. I was taking meds and shots everyday for treatment. I got really mad at God when I lost our second baby. I said that wasn't fair!

That was four years ago. I was praying, my husband's praying, my spiritual family were all praying for my healing. I don't have symptoms now.

I believe it is God's will for us to be healed of whatever kind of sicknesses and diseases. God wanted us to be whole not just on the afterlife but here, right now. I ask myself this question - do I believe that God will and can heal me while I'm still here on Earth? My answer is YES. And so I live my life believing that I'm already healed. Do I know for sure that I am healed? My answer is YES and NO. YES, because I know my God. He is my healer and our great physician. NO, because I have yet to get pregnant again and I haven't had any lab test done in years.

I cling on to God's promise that I will bear my husband children. I refuse to live in fear. It's not denying the sickness or pretending it didn't exist. I just chose to focus on what God can and will do for me as His child. If I believe God can heal people (He did it to others and He can certainly do it to me too because God is no respecter of persons) then I have to live a healed life. If my doctor tells me to take meds, I don't see why not because God can also use meds and doctors to heal me. But that wouldn't change my perspective of healing. I'd still believe that God had already healed me and manifestation is at hand.

Prayers we utter in faith are very powerful, that I believe. We may not see any manifestation yet but believe in your heart that it is God's will for you to be healed. I was once told that instead of talking about your problem, why not talk about how mighty and powerful your God is and that He can turn things around for you SUDDENLY.

It's not easy and people think we're in denial but you know, we need not please others just to look NORMAL in their eyes. It makes a whole lot of difference when we please GOD because He can and will certainly make us NORMAL inside and out.


Never give up on God and He will amaze you. My question is this:

Do you have faith that God can and will heal you right here right now?
...According to your faith will it be done to you." Matthew 9:29


Anonymous said...

i agree. God will amaze you and he will surprise you with His greatness!

Anonymous said...

I also agree that if you have faith and trust in God you will see amazing things. I was at a revival meeting at our church and went up to the platform of the alter. I watched a guy from the congregation come up. He had one leg longer than the other and said that it gave him terrible pain. We all believed in God and prayed then i watched the mans leg become even and the back pain went away. Jesus said "greater things you will do than i have done."

Anonymous said...

wow, Pia, you and i are on the same spiritual wave-length today. read my post i just put up earlier today regarding my healing. one thing about it, God NEVER lies; we just have to stand on His Word. what a beautiful testimony you have. love you.

Anonymous said...

Amen, Pia! God can heal and God does heal. I love this quote you shared, "...instead of talking about your problem, why not talk about how mighty and powerful your God is and that He can turn things around for you SUDDENLY. "

Great post!

Anonymous said...

the dong: yup, He surely will. God bless you.

bill: oh, i believe that's suppose to be the natural thing among Christians - you know, signs and wonders. i witnessed similar to that one too. God is truly amazing! God bless you.

sylvia: i believe that healing is for all of us. we just need to tap on to His power and activate our faith. God bless you, sylvia. (((HUGS)))

melanie: oh yes, He does. God bless you, melanie.

Anonymous said...

Hi sis Pia,
I agree with you 100%. God still heals people who have abiding faith in Him. It is very hard for people who have no faith in God to understand this. They would rather put their faith in doctors and medicines than in God. But the Bible says, "it is impossible to please God without faith" because faith is the language of the spiritual realm. Don't mind them sister. As for God and for you, you are already healed in fulfillment of God's promise to heal His children. In these end times, we need to practice a living faith that holds on to God's precious promises. Thanks for the most wonderful manifestation of your living faith in this post. God bless you and your loved ones always my dear sister and friend.

Anonymous said...

btw, pia, you've been awarded! come & pick up yr awards, k! :)

Anonymous said...

well said, pia!

it is not easy to trust Him during your diffifcult time. But if you put yr faith in Him & keep on pressing, He'll do miracles for you! :)

no one can pleases God without faith. like u said, prayers we utter in faith are very powerful! Amen! :)

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful post, Believe and it shall be given to you!!!
Faith~~~believe and act upon it!
We have a girl in our church with the same. She has 2 beautiful children. Believeeeee!
Be Blessed

Anonymous said...

Hi Sister Pia

You'll be missed on Facebook =(
But we can keep in touch here.
Just wondering why i can't link this blog to mine. I can link color it green to mine =)

Take care.

Anonymous said...

Wherever Two are gathered Pia, You have many Brothers n Sister's here agreeing and standing with you in Jesus Name. prepare your heart and Get the crib ready. Then stand and watch the awesome power of the king Of kings.

Anonymous said...

hi pia,

its so nice to know you even through blog only. keep the faith!


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