Thank You, Daystar

Friday, September 14, 2007
I feel jaded. I've tried everything but nothing worked. An hour ago I called Daystar TV for a prayer request. I watch this show everyday in our local cable channel. I dialed their number but my call was transferred to a voice recording. I left my number but didn't really expect them to call back. After an hour or so my phone rang. I was surprised to hear from one of Daystar's prayer partners. I didn't get the name of the guy who prayed for me, but he was so nice and accommodating. He didn't cut me off while I was talking nor rush me into prayer so he could hang up right away. So I went on telling him my prayer request. Our conversation went something like this.

Daystar: I wanted you to do something first before we start praying.

Me: Okay.

Daystar: Release anger, unforgiveness and feelings of rejection in your heart. Release them all.

He sounded as if he knew me! I mean, I didn't even realize those negative feelings still existed in my heart. I closed my eyes and started to picture "release" in my mind. He gave me verses to meditate on, there were a lot actually, but I didn't remember all of them. I just remembered one which was in Jeremiah 23:29 "Is not my word like fire," declares the LORD, "and like a hammer that breaks a rock in pieces?" Then he proceeded to pray for me in such a powerful way declaring Bible truths over me, my husband and my marriage. After praying,

Daystar: Call us back for a praise report. (He sounded happy)

Me: I will. (Maybe I didn't sound too convincing)

Daystar: You WILL call us back with a praise report. You will!

I was kinda stunned by his certainty but I was glad he said it in that manner.

Me: Most certainly I will. (With a smile on my face)

Daystar: Everything's gonna be alright. Keep saying that over and over again ok?

Me: I will. Thank you. God bless.

Daystar: God bless you too. Bye.

I hang up.

Thank you, Daystar. Thank you for believing with me.


Anonymous said...

Sometimes it is hard to find a real live person to pray for us. I am kinda of a loner and it is hard for me. I will pray for you Pia, and I hope everything will continue to go good for you. Thanks for your prayers for Elizabeth. xoxo Nita

Anonymous said...

We believe in you, Pia Zus =)
Take care.


Anonymous said...

That is so cool! What awesome caring people! did it go after that?

Anonymous said...

nita: thank you for praying. i really appreciate that. i pray to God that elizabeth will be healed soon and for john, i pray for a fast recovery. God bless you.

audrey: lieve zus!!! i missed ya. thank you for believing with me in prayer.

amy: well, i felt a lot better. i'm expecting to receive God's miracle soon. =D

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful ministry. I'm so glad it helped you. I'm praying for you Pia.

Anonymous said...

thanks, gina. God bless you.

Anonymous said...

Yes Poa i had to do the blog test.I must be addicted as i've run up a huge bill and try to stay online inspite of electricity priblems.

Please pray for things to work out between the AG and us. Our church leaders are not very patient with them, whereas they are very good.

Anonymous said...

Daystar: Release anger, unforgiveness and feelings of rejection in your heart. Release them all.

As far as I know, the Word tells us that wrath, strife, bitterness, and unforgiveness are works of the flesh which are to be repented of rather than released. I'm sorry to say, I think they've woven in some pop-psychology with that phone call.

Praying for you nonetheless.

Anonymous said...

Hi Pia, let's see if this comment will take...I'm having computer glitches today :-)

Praying for you!

I think maybe Sparrow is right. Confessing these as sin will put us on the right track, though.

Remember, too, that "declaring truth" doesn't work magic to change our circumstances. We must decrease so that He can INCREASE in our hearts and lives. The only way this is accomplished is by total surrender of self and circumstances, that His grace would change us, sustain us, and heal us.

All this,to the glory of His name!
love you,

Anonymous said...

i love daystar t.v. i don't have cable, and i was so excited when God put this program on regular t.v. for 27 hours, 7 days a week. i can go to sleep with the t.v. on if i want, knowing God's Word is filtering in my eargate and spirit. i'm still careful of who and what i listen to and watch though.

i've called the prayer line a couple of times, and didn't leave a message because i didn't think they'd call me back.

Anonymous said...

How amazing Pia! Thank you for sharing and know you're being prayed for.

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