Still, there are these annoying thoughts that bothers me - the what ifs. And you know what's sad? I often fall for this enemy's trap and I hate it! I just came back from an errand and I got a chance to talk to one of my officemates about life on our way back to the office. It dawned on me the most important lesson I've learned this week - know who's on your side. I began to remember how he was taunted by his colleagues and when news came out that there would be a mass lay off in our company, his name was the most resounding one. But there he was, still doing his job, unaffected by his circumstances. He was unbelievably calm in the midst of the storm in his life. Why? Because he knew who's on his side. He knew that the owner of the company, himself, was the one backing him up.
Who's on our side? When everything around us go crazy, when life's complications pressure us down, when we don't understand what's going on, when fear and worry start to creep in... Who's on our side? The immovable One. The faithful One. Our Rock. He's on my side. He's the one backing me up. He's name is JESUS.
"The LORD said to me, 'You have seen correctly, for I am watching to see that my word is fulfilled.'" Jeremiah 1:12
hi pia, what a timely word for me. thanx. i had such a terrible day yesterday at the camp where i'm volunteering. the director is away until next tuesday, and i was being given a hard time yesterday. i don't get headaches, but i had such an awful headache until late last nite when i made the decision not to return until the director comes back.
yesterday, i was so sad and felt so alone. NO ONE there had my back. when i got home, i was thinking about that, and Jesus reminded me, He's always with me. He had, has, and will always have my back. yep, He's the One who i can always depend on to be on my side. He has my back too.
isn't it awesome how Jesus can be everywhere at once, comforting everyone at the same time? i love it!
thanx again pia for such an encouraging and inspiring post. have a great weekend.
i love your new blog colors. green represents strength and prosperity.
Dearest Pia
Yes! Jesus is always on our side.
Just continue to trust Him.
Our Lord cares and loves you very much.
Please take care, lieve zus.
Thank you for this, Pia! I so need to be reminded of this myself- and when God is for us, who can be against us!
Still praying for you...blessings and hugs!
Bless you, dear Pia. This is an encouraging word to me. I've had a hard time this summer. Now your words echo in my heart and head: Know Who is on your side!:-)
Still praying...still standing with you.
Hi Pia
Have a blessed week ahead.
We're still by your side =)
Take care.
sylvia: sometimes it's easier said than done. i have to remind myself who's on my side always. not that i forget who He is, it's just that i worry a lot... not sometimes but most of the time.
i love my blog colors too... now, not sure if i'd still do a month from now. haha!
audrey: thank you that you're still on our side. you take care too. (((HUGS)))
tammy: thanks for the prayers. i know one of these days i'll be able to share with you too our victory in this trial. you're part of it because you never left us but prayed for us. thank you.
vicki: thank you so much for your prayers. (((HUGS))) like what i told tammy, you'll be part of our victory because you didn't leave us. you're there standing with us in prayer. thank you.
He is on you side. He loves YOU with an everlasting love and yeah that restoration you want and need - He's offering it to you because He loves you
hugs xx
Hi Pia,
This is a prayer for you & your husband & your marriage.
Heavenly Father, You are the Lord of our peace (JEHOVAH-SHALOM), would You grant Pia, Jec & their marriage Your perfect peace. No more worries, no more anxiety, no more unnecessary concerns. Grant them your heavenly peace always, in the face of every storm and at all times in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen
This is the Word of the Lord to you Pia:
"Do not be ANXIOUS about anything, but in everything, by PRAYER and PETITION, with THANKSGIVING, present your requests to God.
And the PEACE OF GOD, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." -Philippians 4:6-7 (NIV)
Good morning Pia :)
I like your new blog colors and your new blog photo.
Just to let you know that I appreciate your reminder of who is on our side. As long as Jesus is with us, no one can be against us.
Hugs and blessings,
Still thinking of you and keeping you in my prayers.
Don't ever forget He is on your side and yes the enemy loves to try and fool us that's why we must stay in prayer and His word.
I hope you know how much we all care about you )
lorna: thanks for thaat encouragement.
akinola: thank you for praying. i have to remind myself that verse all the time. i tend to lose focus and get depressed.
enid: glad you liked them. yeah, if God is for us who can be against us. you're right. that's encouraging. thank you.
dawn: thank you so much for keeping us in your prayers. it's really nice to know that people i haven't even met cares about me. i'm grateful. thank you.
Amen, stopping in to say hi and that I prayed for you today.
Dearest Lieve Zus
Have a splendid weekend =)
God bless you, Pia <3
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