THE RULES: Each player of this game starts with the 6 weird things about you. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says you are tagged in their comments and tell them to read your blog.

1. My favorite veggie is bitter melon and I even love eating its tendrils. My mom does something with it to lessen its bitter taste but I like it better the way it is - BITTER. The more bitter, the better.
2. I smell my food before eating it. I really don't know why I do this but I remember my dad scolding me when I was younger because of this. He'd always say, "Why do you have to do that? What are you, a monkey?" I wonder, does a monkey smell its food before eating it? Haha!!!

3. I don't eat bell peppers. Sure, they can make the food look enticing but I hate the way it tastes. I always remove them from any food I eat that has them like pizza. If I accidentally bit even a tiny piece of it, I lose my appetite.

4. When I mix juice, it always looks more like water having a little color in it. I know it tastes dull but that's how I like my juice. When it's too sweet for my taste, I feel like my nose is enlarging, like it has a life of its own.
5. Some people wiggle their toes. I sway and pat my feet together when they're up on a stool or on the bed. I usually do this while watching T.V. and my husband hated it. I'd stop when he calls my attention but the moment of stillness usually last only for less than five minutes then I'd unconsciously do it again.

6. I like my soup boiling hot. When I'm not done sipping it in 10 minutes, I'll let it boil again.
I tag: Corry, Mary Rose, Audrey, Shenna, Sylvia, Enid, Jeremy
(I tagged more than six, so what?!? *wink*)
hi pia,
thanks for tagging me. this is going to be so much fun.
i'm still working on my site. will be sending you an email to ask you something about it.
ok. glad to help you out with your blog. =)
Dearest lieve zus
You had tagged me.
This is so fun.
Please give me sometime k?
So much about food except the only one on your wriggling feet =P
Take care, Pia.
take your time, zus. i hope you enjoy this meme. i love food!!! and it showed. hahaha...
Oh dear. Only 6??? grin. I'll do my best to think of 6 of the weirdest.
Love you, girl.
God's Grace.
you mean you have more? i thought i have to stop at two. hahaha...
Pia, I do the feet thing too! :)
It's kind of hard to think of six weird things, but I'll try.
awee you did the tag :-) I enjoyed it. Id type more but i only have 1 hand free ;-)
shenna: i also had a hard time thinking of six but funny because i came up with six finally. haha!
drea: i enjoyed it but it took me two days to think of six. ;)
Bitter? Ugh!
Hi Pia! Haven't been by in awhile. Hope all is well with you. God bless!
joe: hahaha!
shelley: all is well, just busy with work though. =)
It's great fun reading about your food! Like a 'get to know you better' post! Really impressive with the photos etc:-)
I've been busy with work as well disrupting my blogging but back to back I think it's just me being lazy!
Great to know all is well for you! May the Lord Bless & Keep you & your family always!
Hey Pia, good evening.
It's been awhile since I've been tagged. So I am out of practice. Overall, I can think of many wierd things to list. However, I will stick to six~game rules :)
This may take time to post up as I am having some technical glitches with the new blogger even now.
Great that you are back at work. Hope you learn a lot about interior design which is a great area for an inhouse career or in the corporate world.
godwyn: God bless you too, bro.
enid: yeah, i'm trying to learn everything i can. it's fun but i'm a bit pressured. i'll try to keep you guys updated.
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