I am saying goodbye to my job on the 23rd. It has been five years that I've been with the company. So much has happened, both good and challenging, which made me who I am today. Jec and I prayed and discussed things through and finally decided that I concentrate on the business we just started recently. Although it made me feel bad leaving behind some friends and the work that I've been so used to, this move is definitely for our advancement. Yeah, bittersweet, you can call it that. It's a big step I'm taking and we're going out of our comfort zone, trusting God for His blessings and provisions. We've received help from people we haven't met in person and we're determined to make this work so we could help others, in return, as well. God has blessed us in so many ways and we'd like to bless others too.
Another sad side of this story is, since I need to focus first on our newly opened business, my blogging will have to take a backseat for a while. That means I won't be able to go visit your sites as well... so sad. I really need to do this and I hope you'd understand. I'll sure miss all of you. I hope to see you again when I come back.
God bless y'all. You'll be in my prayers. Till next time... c",)
Very good news.
Always look for advancement and never loose hope. As God feed the hungry birds everyday ask God to boost your business and to help other people to find jobs for them.
Go ahead Pia and Jec and I wish you all the best.
God's blessings in your new venture. Stop by when you get a chance...til then...
You're in my family's prayers as you go through this transistion in your life. I will still be here when you can stop by and I'll make sure you have lots to catch up on when you do as I hope will be the case when you post your updates on how you're doing. So until then. Hugs/ Kisses and prayers.
yasser: thank you, my friend. you're so kind. blessings to you too. :)
cheryl: i definitely will. :)
J: thank you. you are in my prayers too. God bless you and your family. :)
Good luck Pia!
Changing jobs and starting out in your own business venture is an exciting time for both you and Jec.
Be brave and have faith in yourselves and God will see you through this.
I have added your blogsite as a link on my own and will keep you in my thoughts and prayers until you return.
All the best,
God bless you in this new phase of your life. I hope you can come back and update us on how things are going when you can.
Just from my short time of visiting your site, I have been so impressed with your sweet spirit.
I'll keep you in my prayers!
Dear Pia,
Please know that I will continue to cover you and Jec in my prayers while you move through this time of change. I totally understand not being able to keep up with the blog visits when you're trying to get your business going. Will you still post to your blog here? I'll stop by and keep a check on you. I love you, my little sister. Praying for every good gift from heaven for you!
love & hugs,
Dear Pia,
Please know that I will continue to cover you and Jec in my prayers while you move through this time of change. I totally understand not being able to keep up with the blog visits when you're trying to get your business going. Will you still post to your blog here? I'll stop by and keep a check on you. I love you, my little sister. Praying for every good gift from heaven for you!
love & hugs,
Dear PIA,
Claim all the blessing in Deut 28, the promises of our great God!
The Lord will make you the head & not the tail, & you only will be above, & you only will not be under-neath...Deut 28:13 [NASB]
Have a good week ahead! God Bless!
enid: it's an honor, thank you. :)
tammy: you are so sweet. thank you. :)
vicki: i will still post here. i couldn't just leave what i've started. i've become friends with a lot of people here and i just couldn't leave. no, i can't do that. you're too precious. thank you for your prayers. God bless you, sis.
godwyn: God bless you too, bro. hope you're feeling a lot better by now. :)
Hi Pia,
Well, I must say your new business spa business sounds exciting. I wish you God's Blessings on this new adventure. Please keep us informed of what is going on with the spa business. I am doing the same thing with 4 businesses and these businesses are definitely testing my faith, to see if I can depend totally on God. You know where to reach me at so we will be in touch alot.
Your close friend across the oceans,
I'm coming back and you're leaving. Maybe you'll stop by on occasion? I wish you much success in your new endeavors. God bless!
Wishing you lots of success in your new business venture. You can't go wrong trusting God with it all. I'll still come by sometimes to see if you've posted. (just in case...=). May God richly bless you as you trust & work... whats that saying? work as if it all depended on you and pray as if it all depended on God...anyway, work and prayer do go hand in hand most often...=)
Take care.
barbara: this sure is a test of faith for me, my husband and my bestfriend. there are times when i feel like giving up but i know that everyone goes through this phase and i just have to trust God for this to succeed. thank you, my friend. God bless.
sparrow: i will drop by, definitely, from time to time. thank you, friend. God bless.
maggie ann: yup. i was always told that. work as if everything depends on you and pray as if everything depends on God. thank you. i will be back, promise.
CS: you too, my friend. God bless.
Absolutely! Take the time you need to do the business right.
Then come on back to blogging.
We'll be praying for you and waiting for your return
Good luck! And I would pray that all goes well in your business!
thank you, joe. :)
al: thank you so much and thanks for stopping by. i really appreciate it. God bless you. :)
Dearest Pia lieve zus!!!
We won't say goodbye.
Instead we'll say see you, take care and God bless :)
You'll be missed alot.
Praying for you and waiting for your return....God Bless Pia
May God bless your new business in many many ways!! Praying for you guys!
You will be missed my sweet friend!
Blessings to you and Jec.
May God bless you in all you do. We will miss you bunches but we won't say goodbye, but...till soon!:-D
May God watch over you and keep you safe and bless your new business as well as your life.
Love you both!
God's Grace.
You already know my hearts desire for you and Jec and our love for you. You also know we'll stay in touch! ;-)
Trust that God will bless you richly in this new business, and that you will be a blessing to others too.
God bless you in your new venture. We will miss you.
wishing you success in your business adventure. You also need to concentrate on what your family needs. May God bless your business and your marriage abundantly
thank y'all for your well wishes. i will miss y'all for sure. i will be back. love y'all! God bless. :)
Praying God's favour, wisdom & help for you & your husband as you undertake this new venture.
Be blessed in all you undertake.
Dearest Pia
We're still missing you alot!!!
Sob! Sob! Sob!
Take care, lieve zus.
God bless you, Jec and your business =)
Blessings and love. Hope the business is doing ok.
Hi Pia
How are you, lieve zus?
Could you try to appear on your birthday?
We would like to meet you once again.
Take care.
We're still missing you!
i certainly pray for you and your husband all of the very best with your business. may God continue to pour out His blessings upon you in all that you do. the steps of a righteous man are directed and established by the Lord.
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
On this days,God created you.
So on that note Have a Blessed Birthday.
Sister In Christ,
BJ Scoggins
May God Bless you both no matter where you go.
Dearest Pia
Wishing you a Very Happy and Blessed Birthday on 14 October 2006 =)
Enjoy yourself, lieve zus!
God bless you.
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