You're all welcome to join our Daily Bible Study 2006. You'll see at my sidebar under my Daily Bread box this little girl holding a book, please click on her so you'll be redirected to our Bible Study page where we write our thoughts on our daily readings. You may post a comment and share your insights too. To sign up for the One Year Bible 2006 program, please click here.God bless!
Wow! This is such a fantastic idea! I'm so excited to be a part of it!
I am looking forward to spending some time there. I wish that I had that time now! God bless you. I am so pleased with your study. I know God will meet you there. I answered your question on my blog for today. Thanks.
I wish I could commit to the Bible study, but I can't for now. Can I just drop in when I can?
What is the word with your Mom?
Thanx for the link to your bible study. Sounds interesting. Best to you in that endeavor for His glory.
Dear Sister,
Thank you for your prayers during my time of need. It was so comforting to check out my site and finds healing words from my blogging family. I pray that God grants you much favor this New Year. I believe my word is going to trust. No matter how bad things get, I've gotta trust in the One who made me.
Love ya,
tidy bowl: that's great! hope we can do the study together.
OC: i'll go check your blog in a while.
curm: of course you can. you're always welcome to drop by anytime. i'll post an update on my mom as soon as i get a word from them. thanks for asking. God bless.
sparrow: God bless you always. come visit us anytime.
paula: we're a family here. more than blogger friends, we're family in blogsville. and we'll keep praying for each other always. God bless you, sis. luv yah!
I am blessed in you so much and I'm really looking forward to this study. Is Jec able to join?
Hi. I've seen you at Curm's blog and thought I'd drop by. wow, I love what you've done here. It looks awesome. So friendly and welcoming.
Sorry to hear your mum is unwell. I'll be praying for her and you all. We have an amazing God of love and grace. May His blessings overflow to you all.
You left comments on my blog at the same time I was visiting yours. It’s a small world after all. I am relieved that your mom is doing better. Praise God!
I was hoping to see your turn on the bible study, but it looks like I will have to wait. I am sure it will be great.
Praying for you - the 5th through the 7th - thanks for joining me. Your participation encourages me.
KC: he said he reads it regularly. i sent jayne his email addy so he could read the daily chapters in his bible.
kid: thanks for praying. oh, i already added you to my links. =)
curm: i posted one. i will be again.
OC: praying for you too, sis.
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