I'm currently reading a book written by Elizabeth George - A Wife After God's Own Heart. I bought this book so I can read it simultaneously with my DH's A Husband After God's Own Heart by Elizabeth's hubby, Jim George. It gives a lot of valuable pointers on how to have a great marriage after God's own heart. Husband and wives ought to know their roles in the family and what God has to say about it. It doesn't just talk about raising children and money matters, it also talks about proper communication, even enjoying intimacy and a whole lot of other relevant issues.
"One secret to marital bliss is for a wife to love her husband the way God designed for her to love him—even with his shortcomings. God hasn’t called a woman to change her husband, but to focus on her calling as a wife. And the rewards for doing so are rich!"
I recommend this to all wives out there. This will aid you in keeping a marriage after God's own heart.
"Wives, submit to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord. Husbands, love your wives and do not be harsh with them." Colossians 3:18-19
I always teach: When God is first, and when each person in the relationship gives 100% of him or herself to the other expecting nothing in return, the marriage cannot fail. Love will flourish and grow into forever.
Nice post.
In His Name,
Wow, I need to add that book to my list of have to reads! Thanks for sharing. Love your site. You don't know me, but I'm a fellow blogger. Today I am trying to get as many comments left on www.thehalftimeband.com as a love note from me to my Hubby. He plays the bass in the band and is the site administrator. I would so appreciate you visiting their site and leaving a comment today, if you have the time.
P.S. You and your hubby are beautiful and your blogskin rocks!
P.S. Cindy-Lou on your blogroll is my SIL.
Dear Sister,
You can add me to your blogroll on one condition, that I add you to mine :) God bless you friend! Going to add you right now.
Hey girl! I see you've met Paula, lol! She's an awesome SIL! I love Elizabeth George's books. The first one of hers I read was "Beautiful in God's Eyes: Treasures of the Proverbs 31 Woman"... incredible book that transformed my life! I've also read "A Woman After God's Own Heart" and am reading (among way too many books at one time, lol!) "Loving God With All Your Mind". "A Wife After God's Own Heart" is on my list of "nexts" to read... Enjoy it! I'm glad God let our paths cross, we can encourage each other in our marriages and encourage each other to be the wives God has called us to be!
got to have those, problem is i dont read a lot and it makes me fall to sleep everytime i read books...
i think this is nice since my wife and i just got married last january...
thanks pia!!
Brad and I celebrated our 22nd wedding anniversary on the 20th. Everything I knew about being a wife was wrong. I don't think that I knew anything to do right. I became a Christian shortly after I was married and I was really motivated to learn from the Bible about how to be a wife. (I guess God was throwing me a hint that I really needed to learn a few things.) The world's ways and the Lord's ways are completely different. I wish I had more time to read more books. I'll have to pick up one of her books sometime. Well, at least I make time to read the Bible....May He give you great joy in being a wife. Being a wife and having a husband is a gift from God. We are blessed.
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