I'm at my Mom's right now with Sushi, of course. Since it's a long holiday weekend, I decided to go get a stay-cation here at Mom's. Right now as I type, Mom has gone to her friend's house, not too far from here, to play mahjong. That means to say I got the place all to myself until around 8 tonight. This gives me time to reflect. I have been busy up to my neck with all the meetings and deadlines I had to meet. Those deadlines consist of both personal errands and work related stuff. I'm not complaining because for me, this kind of busy is a good busy. Of course I have to take a lot of breaks in between because you know, I don't want visiting the ER again!
Right this very moment I'm listening to some praise and worship songs for some inspiration and vitamins for the soul. I need this to recharge. I'm feeling pretty good today, not that I wasn't in the past days. I'm just feeling light and happy today. Of course, that's a gift from God. Can you imagine some people breathing, but not actually living life? Some of them are drowning with guilt from their past and they think that by turning their faces away it will solve everything. That by running away from the crime scene, it will make them innocent. WRONG! Do they really think God is blind? GOD IS NOT BLIND. What's more is that GOD IS JUST!
I remember this verse from our service last Saturday.
"I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you." Genesis 12:3 NIV
See? God sees! And if we will let Him do what He does best, JUSTICE will definitely be served.
Thank you, Lord!