We love junk. We stuff ourselves with junk. We clothe ourselves with junk. We beautify ourselves with junk. We surround ourselves with junk. We read junk. We watch junk. We hear junk. We think junk. We even breathe junk.
Given all that, who’s to say we aren’t junk?
Well, if we weren’t so obsessed with junk, we wouldn’t feel that way.
Truth is, GOD did not and does not make junk. He created man to rule over His perfect world. He created man for a purpose.

But we don’t always see things that way, do we? All we see is how ugly, how ignorant, how unworthy, how small, how insignificant we are. We dwell on our weaknesses.
But you see, you are significant. You are special and unique. You are one of a kind, the only you there will ever be. Regardless of how visible or invisible you feel you are, no matter how popular or unpopular others say you are, no matter how rich or poor you think you are, whatever your background is, you are special in the eyes of GOD. You exist for a purpose.
Everyone has a destiny to fulfill. You have been placed on this Earth for a purpose, a special calling. The reason you feel crappy most of the time is that you are not doing what you are supposed to do, and you are not what you are supposed to be. The only way you will be happy and content is if you are able to fulfill your purpose, if you are able to achieve what GOD had intended you to achieve.
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11)
More often that not, the reason we are unable to live our life’s purpose is that we think so lowly of ourselves. We focus on our weaknesses, not our strengths. We focus on what we cannot do, not what we can. We focus on limitations, not potential. We focus on problems, not solutions. We focus on what the world thinks of us, not how GOD sees us.
Each of us is created special, with gifts, skills, talents and abilities unique to ourselves. Even our weaknesses and shortcomings are part of what makes us different from everybody else.
Don’t let your weaknesses stop you from fulfilling your destiny. Everyone is struggling with something. If you think you are the only one in the world with a problem like yours, think again. Nobody is exempt. Unfortunately, nobody wants to admit that. Most of us pretend to be someone we’re really not, and we end up playing a game all our lives.
We are afraid that who we really are – our thoughts, attitudes, private behaviors, and vulnerabilities – would be rejected if others found out about them. And so, we live our lives putting on mask after mask after mask until we can no longer see the real person underneath them all.
All of us make mistakes. But falling doesn’t make anyone a failure. Not learning from your mistakes does. The key is to admit your mistakes, learn from them, and keep moving on.
Nobody’s perfect. But we have a GOD who is. And perfect as He is, His intention is for us to be like Him. Like Father, like children. Isn’t that wonderful? All that is left is for you to always remember who you are in GOD’s eyes, and to live out your life with that in mind.
And don’t ever forget:
GOD don’t make no junk.
“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” (Psalm 139:14)
Jeanne Marie Bernardo
Jeanne has been working with On Eagle's Wings Development Foundation Philippines, Inc., a Non-profit organization with the primary purpose of developing and strengthening the capacity of social entrepreneurs through its value chain development program. A writer by heart, Jeanne has written several articles for her own organization's site. Her personal relationship with God is the common theme of most of her articles, and what keeps her inspired to write. Jeanne is mom to Paolo and Sharee and wife to Rommel Bernardo.