Wow, how time flies. I was busy trying to finish uploading some photos since last week and it seemed endless. Part of the reason was that my internet connection was acting up again. Well, now it's done! Whew. That's one work out of the way. Next is I have to finish some cut outs that will be used at Kid's Church sometime next month. Gotta move fast, it's almost November.
Anyhow, I would like to share once again something from Charlyne Cares Devotional written by a fellow stander, Terri from Minnesota. I'm sure everyone will be able to relate to this as I did.
"'Look! I am sending my messenger, and he will prepare the way before me. Then the Lord you are seeking will suddenly come to his Temple. The messenger of the covenant, whom you look for so eagerly, is surely coming,' says the LORD of Heaven's Armies." Malachi 3:1 (NLT)
Many of us have been fasting and praying for our marriages to be restored, waiting for God's "suddenly" to take place in the form of answered prayer. The word suddenly, by definition, means coming or happening quickly, in an instant, without warning. In other words, when you least expect it.
Living in a world of instant gratification, our definition of "suddenly" might be closer to "right now!" We pray and expect God's answer - NOW. Praise God, sometimes the answers do come that quickly...I believe He does that so we don't lose faith. Other times, the "suddenly" seems to happen about as quickly as the fulfillment of the promise in the verse above, which - by the way - took 400 years or so!
Make no mistake. From the moment we utter a prayer, our loving Father hears and responds. What we don't always understand are the things taking place in the spiritual realm in response to our prayers. As we intercede for our spouses, children and other loved ones, God is moving on the other side of the mountain working to accomplish His perfect will in the lives of the ones we're praying for. Looking at our side of the mountain (circumstances, etc), it appears as though nothing is happening, or maybe even as if things have gone from bad to worse as we watch those we're praying for fall deeper into sin, further into debt, more sickly...
Remember in Daniel 10:12-14 how Daniel's answer was delayed for 21 days by the enemy? Our enemy does the same to us. He wants to derail us, discourage us and bring us into despair so that we will give up and quit. If we could only see through God's eyes we would see that God is allowing things to happen in the lives of the ones we're praying for so they will become sick and tired of living in the pit and will finally come to their senses, repent and turn to God seeking His forgiveness.
That's when the "suddenly" happens. When we least expect it. When it seems like there's no way for our prayer to be answered. When the one we're praying for seems more lost than ever. Suddenly, God moves. Suddenly their heart is softened and ready to receive. Suddenly the scales fall off their eyes. Suddenly their ears are opened. And suddenly we realize that God has been working all along.
We must persist in prayer for our loved ones. Luke 18: 1-8 is the story of the persistent widow. I love the story. This woman simply refuses to give up. And Jesus says, in verses 7-8:
"...So don’t you think God will surely give justice to his chosen people who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off? I tell you, he will grant justice to them quickly (suddenly)! But when the Son of Man returns, how many will he find on the earth who have faith?" Luke 18:7-8
Don't despair. Don't become discouraged. Don't buy into the enemy's lie by believing that your circumstances are your reality. Wait for your promised suddenly!